llfretwell Member


  • I LOVE this idea! Just for today 3/15 1. Stay under my calorie goal 2. Not have anything sweet after dinner 3. Walk/Run at least 3 miles
  • Xcalygrl, thank you! I will play around with the weight today to see what works for me. Krokador, what a good idea! I have never heard of doing that. My husband and I lift at home, but I'll see today if our bench is a good height to do box squats. If not, I'll try to find something else. Thank you for that idea!
  • Thank ya'll so very much for all of the advice. I think I'll watch some videos on form. My husband lifts also and has been encouraging me to watch them. With that being said, I think I'll go ahead and deload today to work on it. So... how should I do that? Right now I'm only squatting at 100 lbs. (I've only been doing SL…
  • Thanks katro! I was thinking about doing that also :) Logg1e...lol...why do you say that?
  • Thank ya'll so much for the input. Now I am curious about how important carbs and fat REALLY is. I mean, as long as I make sure I hit my protein goal every day, should I even be worried about being over or under carbs and fat? I really am not even sure that my carbs and fat goals are correct. I have read that women who…
  • Oh, awesome. That is great news for me! :) Anyone else have any input on this?
  • Oh yes, I guess I can just use them in the same spot to see if it changes at all, even if it's inaccurate. Speaking of fluctuation in weight, I weighed myself at the beginning of the week (before my cycle), then weighed myself this morning (the third day of my cycle), and am 3 lbs. lighter. Too bad that can't be fat loss!!…
  • I'm really hoping I'm measuring BF correctly. I will definitely try 1700 calories for awhile, though. Thank you!
  • Wow! I am so thankful for all of the feedback! I took before pictures last night (a couple weeks AFTER beginning SL...whoops), and I HATED the way I look. I guess I have not looked at my profile in a bathing suit from behind in awhile. Those pictures that I took motivate me more than anything to stick to this. Anyway, I…
  • Should I put "lightly active" or "moderately active" for my exercise? Also, should I choose "gain muscle, lose fat" or "lose fat- 20% reduction"?
  • Thank you for all of the feedback! I don't necessarily mean that I'm looking for another program BECAUSE I had bad form on 5x5. I'm just ready to give lifting another shot and was just curious as to if there was another beginners program that anyone preferred besides 5x5. I think I'm going to give SL another shot but go…
  • WOW!!!! AMAZING results!!! You look great!
  • That makes me feel a little better ;)
  • I am definitely stronger and I'm seeing a little definition from lifting, but I guess I'm just super impatient and crave QUICK results. I feel like everyone else who's following SL has amazing results right away. Even though I know that the scale number isn't as important as the measurement numbers, I struggle because I'm…
  • Well...I was on a "stay-off-the-scale" kick until week 7 of stronglifts, so I don't really know exactly what weight I started out at, but since week 7 I've lost half a pound, then gained that plus another half a pound back (as of this morning). As far as my measurements, I've only lost about an inch from my waist. I am…
  • Barefeet for me too :)
  • Yes it does!! Thank you so much!!! :)
  • I THINK that is around what my TDEE is also. I have my calorie goal set to 1750, but sometimes I go over a couple hundred. Whoops. I like to eat. A little too much... Anywho..you think that it will be pretty easy for me to recomp this fat of mine?
  • [/quote] if you were doing keto and started to eat more carb to fuel workout, you probably significantly heavier than before. However it is only water-weight and not fat, so who cares? Take pictures, and do measurements and forget the scale. I tried keto a while back but didn't like it, and didn't lose any actual fat on…
  • Wow, those results after 1 month are awesome! I have taken measurements and just got a pair of body fat calipers, but I haven't weighed myself in about a month. I'm afraid it will depress me. I was also doing keto (very low-carb) before I started heavy lifting/eating plenty of good carbs a couple of weeks ago, so I'm…
  • That's awesome! When you calculated your TDEE, did you put that you were doing 3-5 hours a week of moderate exercise? I am a little unsure of what I should put as my exercise level. I'm obviously lifting 3 times a week, and I go for a 30-45 minute walk at least once a day. I also run on the treadmill every once in a while…
  • AMAZING results!! Such a motivation! Thank you!
  • I would actually like to lose 5-10 lbs., then swap fat for muscle. I'm hoping my TDEE is close to accurate so I'm not eating too much.
  • Also.. what kinds of supplements should I start taking?
  • Yes, I am definitely not only eating 600 calories a day. This girl loves to eat, trust me! I'm going to eat any and every calorie I'm allowed! ;) My goal is 1500 calories: Fat: 125 grams, Protein: 75 grams, Carbs: 19 grams (It usually ends up being between 20 and 30 grams, though). I got my macro-goals from…
  • You're right, I am using the ketostrips. I have been reading how inaccurate they are and considering getting the blood ketone meter. How often does someone check with a meter? Every day? I just don't know if I like the idea of pricking my finger..
  • Thanks so much for your response. Honestly, I think subconsciously I'm just hoping someone will say "Oh, it's totally fine that you have binges every couple of weeks". I NEED to strap down and stop giving it. I am weak and I need to work on my sugar addiction. I agree that the psychological aspect is the most important and…
  • I am DEFINITELY addicted to carbs too. No doubt about it. Last night I gave in and had a small bowl of cereal...which led to 3 small bowls of cereal. If it weren't for my husband, I would keep any and everything bad-carb-related out of my house. He has given up a lot of foods being kept in the house (because of my…
  • Oh my gosh, THANK YOU! That chili sounds so good!!! It's so funny that you mention the ham, cheese and olives, because that's exactly what I've been bringing for lunch every day lately! I shred up turkey, cheese and olive oil mayo and have some green olives on the side! Haha! YUMMMM!
  • Thanks ya'll. I definitely plan on making this a total life-change and not just a temporary "diet". The reason why my profile only says 2 lbs is because I actually gained a couple more pounds than what my profile says before I started doing keto. Since cutting carbs/keto I have lost a total of about 4- 4 1/2 lbs. I am…