

  • 25, no children Height: 5'5 HW: 148 CW: 145 LW: 138 Ideal: 125-130
  • I'm similar to the two of you. I've been at a steady 141, going up and down a little bit for a few years. I've gone up to 146, sometimes fluctuating to 148 or down to 144. I have started and stopped weight loss attempts many times, but this time I really want to stick to it. I think my goal weight would be 125. I'm 5'5.
  • I don't think that seems to high, unless you're running on a low resistance/intensity. I typically do about 35 minutes on the eliptical and it tells me I burned around 380. Today I did 20 minutes and it was about 225 I think. I run on a moderate intensity. Does the machine you run on have you enter in your age and weight?…