valroys Member


  • Way to go, Juicing is a way of getting all the healthy elements into your body and kick starting weight loss, it gives your body a break from overexurcion of processing and digesting, My goal is to eventually juice daily, but I hate, Hate, hate cleaning the darn juicer. So I juice periodically and try to eat lots of veg.…
  • I drink my coffee black and try not to drink it after noon, the reason I try to cut back on coffee is the jitters it can cause make you think your hungry and than you eat more, coffee is not bad for you, but overeating is!:drinker: :drinker:
  • Sliced banana with a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon, it carmalizes and tastes so yummy!
  • Welcome Tiny, This is a great app, fairly new myself, I'm from Canada but relatives come from Scottland, Cheers!
  • Yes ,lunches can get boring but there are millions of ideas out there. Lunches depend on if you have access to a fridge or microwave. I found a great secret that can make your lunches more interesting, get yourself a dish that has sections in it, like the stayfit brands, mine even has a freezerpack built into the lid, as…
  • Hello I am 5'1 and am currently 125 lbs and aim to be 105 1bs, so on a 20 pound losing journey, I really think it is a personal choice of how much a "shorter" person or any person for that matter, feels they need or want to lose, as long as you are being smart about it, do what you need to to feel good in your own skin.…
  • Way to go! Remember slow and steady wins the race(to health that is)! I'm new to mfp and love it!