lhermo Member


  • Well, the stress of yesterday got to me and I broke down and had wine. It's amazing how much worse I slept and how much more tired I am today because of it. Although I did have a slip, I think reminding myself of how exhausted I was today and how much worse I felt than my new normal will help me stay strong for the rest of…
  • Hey! Hope you all got through the weekend okay! We're now more than halfway through Sober November! :)
  • Hey all! I hope your sober weekends go well! Feel free to post here if you find yourself needing some extra motivation. :)
  • @rdaheatherh213 Lol, you're right! You can see how long this week has been for me :)
  • Hey all! Hope day 3 is treating you well! It's a frustrating Wednesday at work so to motivate myself to stay on task, I did a bit of finance calculation at lunch. I'm terrible at math, so bear with me. Usually, a bottle of wine costs about 10-12 dollars. I buy one about twice a week. Every once in a while, I'll bring a…
  • @ejcanavan feel free to join even if you do slip up! It'll be challenging but I told myself I'm allowed to have a lapse or two as long as I make sure to post about it here (so one slip up doesn't lead to just giving up the whole month.)
  • Great! Let's work to support each other then :) I'm always amazed by just how many calories I take in while drinking- it adds up quick. I'm hoping that this will really kick start my weight loss!
  • Hey! I started a new thread, "Sober November", in case anyone wants to try this another month. :)
  • As a super commitment-phobe, I love this one day goal approach! Today I will: - Eat what I brought for lunch and not go out - Only have one after dinner snack - Not have my typical Friday night drinks
  • Hey all! What a great idea! Any plans to start one for November? I'd love to have some accountability in my efforts to stay away from drinking. I do it pretty often, it's become a regular stress reliever for me. I want to step back from it to help with my weight loss efforts. I know I'm taking in SO many extra calories by…
  • I can't believe I haven't seen this thread until now! If there's still room, please put me down for Hufflepuffs! I FIND this challenge to be very exciting!
  • Replying to say that I LOVE this thread and just met with a trainer yesterday to learn proper form while lifting. Having progress pictures of my own to add to this thread will keep me motivated :) Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Thanks, all! I did go back and did walking on an incline with arms strength, and almost immediately felt a lot better!
  • Thanks for the advice! I'll most likely do power walking for a bit and then focus on my arms and core for strength. Much appreciated!
  • I'd love to join! I haven't weighed myself in a week or so but will do so tonight! I think I'm about 156 -Lucia