

  • For low carbs, They sound delicious, I made pancakes which didn't taste good but I think I am going to blame it on me because I am horrible at baking.
  • I wish MFP did a net carb section. This is also hard for me. I don't think you can subtract fiber from a food that already has 0 carbs. I am not sure because I just started a week ago with the low carb. I think you should do it per food.
  • Very good advice already posted on here. I just started in December, and I think the most important part is listening to your body. Your body will tell you that it's muscle failure or if something is off and you might be over exerting yourself. My nephew a physical trainer advised me to tone do more repetitions with light…
  • This is great motivation! I have started lifting in December but have seen no changes, I feel like giving up I don't see my self any toner :(. I'll keep at it, hopefully after 100 days I will start seeing changes. I have been doing more reps then heavy lifting maybe that's something I have to adjust.
  • I need to lose weight before August too!! Going on vacation and I want to wear a two piece without feeling like I need a cover up!! Lets do this!
  • I am also in my 30's (34 to be exact). Ever since I hit 33 I have felt a difference in how my metabolism burn calories. Its much harder to maintain weight and to lose it. Before I can lose right away now it's a struggle that's why I am back! looking to lose 25 pounds, and it has been very hard for me! I'll add you!
  • I have also just started weight training. I do not want to build muscle but I do want to be toned. My nephew a trainer told me to do light weights but several repetitions. Once I don't feel the burn to bump it up. In one machine I started at 10 I can now left 40 and do 4 set of 15 reps. I do muscle one day and cardio the…
  • That's one of my current problems, and the problem is that I fee full. Normally I don't touch Mayo but today I used some to up the calories (it was the light version, so baby steps). There is this blog I have been looking at it has amazing recipes with low carbs! Amazing! Check it out!
  • Just started. I logged my food and thought, calories are good, fat intake good, but oh my were carbs high! I really don't have any suggestions since I just started. Feel free to friend me and you can see what my food diary is like. So far, I am not hungry at all! I do not feel deprived and I feel good. I do have a headache…
  • Seeing how much fat I eat is really hard for me! I am so use to keeps fats low that I makes me panic all the time! But then I say to myself watching your fat was not working! Wait until the first week is over at least and see if this worked! Fingers crossed! It's nice to see that you have had some success! Are you planning…
  • I will add you! I don't know if I am doing this right, I don't want to go to Atkins, South Beach, I just know that before I was eating 1200 calories and 193 grams were carbs. Low fat but I was stuck! Hopefully we can help each other!
  • Thanks @kickassketo! Your post is motivation for me! You are right I do not feel hungry at all! Last night I forced myself to eat strawberries and Cream Cheese for extra calories! I have heard that Starvation Mode is a myth, but then so many say that it's true! In fact the first two days I thought I went over my calories,…
  • @ladymiseryali, thanks for the tip. I am so use to cooking with PAM that it's hard for me to turn to the butter. Today I made my eggs with butter and felt free to add on the Mayo (which use to be restricted to me) for extra calories. I really do not want to go below 1200 calories so I have to definitely work on that. I am…
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