LOW CARB DIET /New approach old is not working!



  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Seeing how much fat I eat is really hard for me! I am so use to keeps fats low that I makes me panic all the time! But then I say to myself watching your fat was not working! Wait until the first week is over at least and see if this worked! Fingers crossed! It's nice to see that you have had some success! Are you planning on following this forever, or just to lose weight. I am also concerned about how I will deal after I reach my goal weight. I eventually want to eat bread, cakes, pasta! What are your plans once you have achieved the weight loss?

    Give it least a month before you decide if it's working. Your body needs some time to adjust.

    Looking at low-carb as a short-term fix, where you can go back to your old habits once the weight is off, isn't going to work. Yes, you'll be able to occasionally have a piece of bread or a small serving of pasta with a meal, or a piece of birthday cake, eventually. However, once you've been low-carb for a while, you may find that those things aren't as good as you remembered, or that they make you feel "off" when you eat them.

    There are some pretty decent low-carb recipes out there, for when you just HAVE to have bread, or pancakes, or a muffin. I made some double-chocolate espresso cookies last Sunday, with tapioca flour and coconut flour instead of regular white flour, coconut sugar and xylitol instead of regular sugar. I can eat one of those and be satisfied, instead of eating a half-dozen of my regular double-chocolate cookies (one by one, over the course of a morning).
  • Hello! I just started my low carb diet and I'm not hitting my calorie count at all. Defiantly need to turn it around and add more fat to my diet. Use heavy whipping cream in my protein shake this morning which upped it some. Any other tips and tricks for adding fat besides cooking in butter and bacon grease? I've been using EVOO.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough protein each day, say between 0.6g/lb of LBM to 0.85g/lb of LBM, being on the high end of that range if you're doing weight training and the low end if not. After hitting your protein macro, most of your calories should come from fat. Of course, if you're aiming for 1200 calories per day, that's pretty easy to do. I'd highly recommend using a food scale, as a food log doesn't do you any good if it's inaccurate. Finally, as for configuring MFP for net carbs, check this link out: http://cavemanketo.com/configuring-mfp/.
  • kickassketo
    kickassketo Posts: 42 Member
    Looking at low-carb as a short-term fix, where you can go back to your old habits once the weight is off, isn't going to work. Yes, you'll be able to occasionally have a piece of bread or a small serving of pasta with a meal, or a piece of birthday cake, eventually. However, once you've been low-carb for a while, you may find that those things aren't as good as you remembered, or that they make you feel "off" when you eat them.

    This. I was a HUGE carb lover when I started. My two favorite foods in the whole world were pasta and popcorn. I could eat a TON of both. When I started keto, there was no way in hell I was going to give them up for one second longer than it took me to lose the weight. Fast forward 7 months, and I can't even imagine eating them and I never crave them. I've had three planned cheats since I started eating this way, and increasingly, the cheat food has been less and less satisfying. Sugar literally hurts my mouth when I eat it and all carbs make me feel like *kitten*. The last cheat was a few days around the holidays, and I went back on keto early, because I just couldn't see the point and I wanted to feel better.

    And the substitutions are awesome! I made keto peanut butter drops covered in chocolate (kind of like peanut butter cups) and my non-keto friend tried one and wanted to eat them all. There are tons of yummy things to replace what you crave!
  • foxj3730
    foxj3730 Posts: 10 Member
    I been doing low carb as well... Well I am keeping my carbs under 50 which isn't the interduction phase. I was getting really bad headaches if I kept around 20 carbs. I have noticed that I'm not as hungery as I was with just watching Caleries. ( I am trying to keep my Caleries lower aswell )
    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • stefanieraya
    stefanieraya Posts: 110 Member
    Find the cleanest source of protein you can - preferably undenatured whey protein with a low-glycemic index. Our entire body is made up of protein so you need to feed the body with it to build every cell from your hair to your nails to your organs, etc. Here is a helpful article for you. Google Michael Colgan - he is an expert Australian biochemist and physiologist nutritionist who gained recognition through his articles in the bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development and also through his books.

    Protein Absorption
    Dr Michael Colgan 15 January 2014
    Whey and casein proteins from milk have the greatest bioavailability when compared to popular protein alternatives, including egg, soy, and all other vegetable proteins.
    Undenatured whey protein is water soluble, thus is quickly digested in the body, earning it the “fast protein” title. It’s amino acids are quickly available in large quantities soon after consumption (30-45 minutes).
    Casein is water insoluble and coagulates, resulting in a slow-release mechanism of amino acids over a longer period of time. Consumption of a casein supplement results in slower availability of amino acids, which is why it is labeled a “slow protein.” Although superior to egg, soy, and other vegetable protein, casein proteins are too slowly absorbed to take advantage of the greater anabolic state of the body that occurs for about 90 minutes after workout (Campbell et al., 2007; Wilson and Wilson, 2006).

    Campbell B, Kreider RB, Ziegenfuss T, La Bounty P, Roberts M, Burke D, Landis J, Lopez H, Antonio J International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: protein and exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2007 Sep 26; 4():8.
    Wilson J, Wilson GJ. Contemporary issues in protein requirements and consumption for resistance trained athletes. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2006 Jun 5; 3():7-27.
    I was on here several years ago. I had a baby in 2006 and was motivated to lose weight because of a cosmetic procedure. I lost the weight and maintained it off. I was exercising very moderately, if I gained a pound or two back I would watch my calories for a few days. Now last summer all of a sudden I started gaining weight, slowly and I was aware of it. I would watch what I eat, exercise and keep 1200 calories (which always worked) but this time it didn't, I ended up gaining 12 pounds. After that I decided that maybe I had to exercise more to lose the weight with also still keeping my calories at 1200. I joined the gym, and did both cardio and muscle training (which is new to me, before I would only do cardio). Still nothing! I was not able to lose one pound but I was able to maintain. I did not gain any more weight. Now I have decided to try a Low Carb diet. Even though I was maintaining a low calorie, low fat diet this time around I did not feel good, I felt hungry, bloated, etc.

    I just started Low Carb on Monday. Trying to keep it at 30grams of carbs a day. I have been finding it hard to eat 1200 calories and hope I am not going into starvation mode. I am really hoping this works, I feel that age has changed the way my body burns food, etc. Looking for friends who are also on low carbs, so that we can motivate each other, and just learn from your experiences. Also does anyone know if we can log net carbs?
  • Seeing how much fat I eat is really hard for me! I am so use to keeps fats low that I makes me panic all the time! But then I say to myself watching your fat was not working! Wait until the first week is over at least and see if this worked! Fingers crossed! It's nice to see that you have had some success! Are you planning on following this forever, or just to lose weight. I am also concerned about how I will deal after I reach my goal weight. I eventually want to eat bread, cakes, pasta! What are your plans once you have achieved the weight loss?

    It really took me a long time to get over the whole fat thing and I still have times where I freak out a little. The first week you'll probably lose a lot of water as you switch to burning fat instead of carbs. But don't be worried if you stall out in your first month as your body adjusts to losing weight. I lost for 2 weeks, stalled for 2 weeks, lost for a week, stalled on scale but measurements went down... Its kind of a roller coaster but I feel awesome on it!

    I honestly plan on following this type of eating for the foreseeable future. I'm currently at 25-30 net carbs a day but once I get close to my goal weight then I'll start upping my carbs (yogurt, fruits, popcorn) maybe 5-10 carbs every 2 weeks to slow losing then once I hit my goal weight adjust to maintain. I think I maintain around 90-120 carbs/ day but everyone has that sweet spot :smile: . Honestly I don't crave the cakes and breads the way I use to but I still have some occasionally in small portions right now. Once I start to maintain I'll start having more of the refined things but try to keep to one day a week AND as long as it fits into my macros. I'm no saint on this thing but unless I'm going crazy on carbs (over 75g) for multiple days I don't have too much of an issue of having a couple bites of bread or a little pasta salad. I really try to savor those bites and then be done. But I have found that a bite of ice cream will cause some serious cravings so I just have to stay away from it all together.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I have tried everything to lose these pounds.
    Have you tried eating a whole foods, plant based diet with a focus on raw fresh fruits and vegetables?

  • I have been thinking about going to low carbs. I have found when logging my food I eat way to much carbs and not enough protein. I have still been losing the weight but I think if i would cut out some carbs it would help me much more. Any suggestions?

    Just started. I logged my food and thought, calories are good, fat intake good, but oh my were carbs high! I really don't have any suggestions since I just started. Feel free to friend me and you can see what my food diary is like. So far, I am not hungry at all! I do not feel deprived and I feel good. I do have a headache and from what I have researched, its my body adjusting to my carbs. Some say there is no cravings, but I do crave a donut now and then lol!
  • Hello! I just started my low carb diet and I'm not hitting my calorie count at all. Defiantly need to turn it around and add more fat to my diet. Use heavy whipping cream in my protein shake this morning which upped it some. Any other tips and tricks for adding fat besides cooking in butter and bacon grease? I've been using EVOO.

    That's one of my current problems, and the problem is that I fee full. Normally I don't touch Mayo but today I used some to up the calories (it was the light version, so baby steps). There is this blog I have been looking at alldayidreamoffood.com it has amazing recipes with low carbs! Amazing! Check it out!
  • Find the cleanest source of protein you can - preferably undenatured whey protein with a low-glycemic index. Our entire body is made up of protein so you need to feed the body with it to build every cell from your hair to your nails to your organs, etc. Here is a helpful article for you. Google Michael Colgan - he is an expert Australian biochemist and physiologist nutritionist who gained recognition through his articles in the bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development and also through his books.

    Protein Absorption
    Dr Michael Colgan 15 January 2014
    Whey and casein proteins from milk have the greatest bioavailability when compared to popular protein alternatives, including egg, soy, and all other vegetable proteins.
    Undenatured whey protein is water soluble, thus is quickly digested in the body, earning it the “fast protein” title. It’s amino acids are quickly available in large quantities soon after consumption (30-45 minutes).
    Casein is water insoluble and coagulates, resulting in a slow-release mechanism of amino acids over a longer period of time. Consumption of a casein supplement results in slower availability of amino acids, which is why it is labeled a “slow protein.” Although superior to egg, soy, and other vegetable protein, casein proteins are too slowly absorbed to take advantage of the greater anabolic state of the body that occurs for about 90 minutes after workout (Campbell et al., 2007; Wilson and Wilson, 2006).

    Campbell B, Kreider RB, Ziegenfuss T, La Bounty P, Roberts M, Burke D, Landis J, Lopez H, Antonio J International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: protein and exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2007 Sep 26; 4():8.
    Wilson J, Wilson GJ. Contemporary issues in protein requirements and consumption for resistance trained athletes. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2006 Jun 5; 3():7-27.

    Do you have any suggestions as far as which is the best whey protein? I was thinking about starting to use it but need to research which is the best one.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Seeing how much fat I eat is really hard for me! I am so use to keeps fats low that I makes me panic all the time! But then I say to myself watching your fat was not working! Wait until the first week is over at least and see if this worked! Fingers crossed! It's nice to see that you have had some success! Are you planning on following this forever, or just to lose weight. I am also concerned about how I will deal after I reach my goal weight. I eventually want to eat bread, cakes, pasta! What are your plans once you have achieved the weight loss?

    Give it least a month before you decide if it's working. Your body needs some time to adjust.

    Looking at low-carb as a short-term fix, where you can go back to your old habits once the weight is off, isn't going to work. Yes, you'll be able to occasionally have a piece of bread or a small serving of pasta with a meal, or a piece of birthday cake, eventually. However, once you've been low-carb for a while, you may find that those things aren't as good as you remembered, or that they make you feel "off" when you eat them.

    There are some pretty decent low-carb recipes out there, for when you just HAVE to have bread, or pancakes, or a muffin. I made some double-chocolate espresso cookies last Sunday, with tapioca flour and coconut flour instead of regular white flour, coconut sugar and xylitol instead of regular sugar. I can eat one of those and be satisfied, instead of eating a half-dozen of my regular double-chocolate cookies (one by one, over the course of a morning).


    There are carbs that I love but I always feel bad after I eat them. My fingers, ankles and feet swell. If I eat too many sweets or desserts I feel sick to my stomach a couple hours later.
  • lexcoulstring
    lexcoulstring Posts: 386 Member
    I lost 26 pounds in 6 months with a low carb (or carbs with hi percentage of fiber like flaxseed).
    Friend me if you like to follow my diary :) I just maintain my weight now and focusing on converting what fat is left to muscle. Hence the main reason to joining a fitness site.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you were eating 1200 and did not lose ..then you were not really eating 1200 calories…

    if you are eating less you will lose it is basic math …

    but good luck with low carb..

    just remember low carb is not some magical fat loss diet, in the end it boils down to calories in vs calories out
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Hi:) At my Endocrinologist's advice, I started a low carb diet. He didn't tell me how many grams I needed for the day, but did say I shouldn't have breads and pastas. I used to love honey in my tea, but I cut that out as well. I am only on day 2 and I do feel energized, like I didn't need to carb load before a heavy workout. My original breakfast was oatmeal, english muffin, tea with honey and an orange. He says that is extremely carb-centric, and while, in and of itself, it's a good breakfast, it is not good for me. He says that this low carb diet will allow me to get closer to my goal. I would like to take 40 more pounds off and I was at a plateau. He says this will work. We shall see. I am satisfied, though, can't complain….He did say I could have Quinoa, but that is high in carb. I made a Qunioa egg bake so I can have a nice breakfast to look forward to each day. Each serving is about 14g of carbs. Wondering if I should cut that out. I can make the bake without it. I can't even have Special K bars, which I thought were a decent snack to tide me over. I have never gone low carb before and hoping that there are a lot of good benefits to it. My labs are all perfect and I workout most days with cardio and weight training. I am healthy, just need to take off the last 40 pounds. I find this thread very helpful. For those consuming only 1200 calories and you are not sedentary, I don't get how you can sustain yourself on that. I tried and failed miserably. It's a matter of finding the missing link; what works for you and what is the most healthy. I am hoping that I am not wasting my time, though. I thought I was eating healthy before, minding my p's and q's, but the scale stopped moving. I don't want to stay at this weight.
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    I've been doing under 20g of carbs per day for seven months and at the beginning, and sporadically through out, there have been days when there is NO WAY I can eat all the calories that I'm 'supposed to'. I'm not hungry, my body doesn't want it, so I don't force it. There are also rare days when I am more hungry and I go over by a few hundred calories, and I don't worry about that either. AS long as you are keeping your macros roughly in the right proportions, you're doing alright. The concept of starvation mode is a myth, so you are doing no harm as long as this isn't a pattern for you, and you don't have ED issues. This way of eating has allowed me, for the first time in my life, to actually feel hunger and respond appropriately. It's an amazing benefit of very low carb eating.

    Hi! I'm a low carber as well and I completely agree with this!!

    Fellow low carbers feel free to add me! I'm 6 weeks in and lost 17 pounds!

  • maezombiegirl
    maezombiegirl Posts: 21 Member
    Try Dana Carpenters Fat Fast Cookbook (google). Lots of ways to up the fat and eat normal easy to prepare food.