

  • I agree at defnintely finding level 2 the hardest! Makes me sweat ALOT. But as everyones said, it just depends on your particular strengths.... But i do love with the dvd how each level works in different muscles. Stick with it, and you'll be fine!!!!
  • Great responses, have a lot to work with here! Basically I'm feeling like i'm getting a good workout in most of the other muscles.... But have to be in swimwear in 2 months, and although i have a small bum, it isn't toned in the slightest and I just don't feel confident if i have to parade on a beach. (although who does!?)…
    in Bum toning! Comment by hanario May 2011
  • ok glute hamstring raises look hilarious! But probably evil.... Excellent, thanks for the tips! I have a feeling my bum is not going to like me tomorrow!
    in Bum toning! Comment by hanario May 2011
  • Thanks for the quick reply! Ok great i'll have a look on youtube and give them a go tonight
    in Bum toning! Comment by hanario May 2011
  • Well done! you can really see the difference... which makes me happy as i ordered this dvd a couple of days ago. Hopefully it will be waiting for me tonight, as you've motivated me to want to do it!!!! (got it from play btw, £6.29)
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