Bum toning!

hanario Posts: 6
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all!

I'm just after some advice on some good exercises to tone the bum. I've been doing the 30 day shred, but after the first couple of weeks i haven't been feeling any of that 'burn' at the top back of my thighs or glutes.

Obviously I know about the usual squats and lunges but is there anything more specifically for the glutes which will make it feel like i've done some work there?!


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Single-leg squats. They are kinda hard to explain, but easy to do and they seriously work my bum!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    try No More Trouble Zones by jillian michaels. I always feel it EVERYWHERE including my butt muscles!! i do it about twice or once a week and thats all i need!
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    Step ups onto a box or bench holding dumbells
    Glute hamstring raises - Youtube this one... it's good :)
  • hanario
    hanario Posts: 6
    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Ok great i'll have a look on youtube and give them a go tonight
  • hanario
    hanario Posts: 6
    ok glute hamstring raises look hilarious! But probably evil....

    Excellent, thanks for the tips! I have a feeling my bum is not going to like me tomorrow!
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Jackie werner's one on one training. She has a 20 minute workout on lower body only. Made a HUGE difference in my bottom and thighs! Not so much my calves but jumping jacks and jumprope fix that
  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    bumpity bump :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Add a plyometric element to your squats and lunges. Jump up in the air from a squat then immediately back down into another. Jump between opposite legs in lunges. Jump onto and off a bench. Put one foot on a bench or Bosu ball, jump to the other side, switching feet. Good luck!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Do you feel that you need to tone it? I very rarely feel any burn in that area, but I have always had a small bottom, it isn't somewhere I put on weight or that need toning, so it's never worried me.

    I do a class every couple of months which is an hour non stop of squats and lunges, and I do feel it after that. You could give something like that a go. You do need to do at least 20 mins on each side - around 200 lunges on each side and 400 squats.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I did Jackie Warner's Total Body Workout yesterday and my butt is feeling it this morning :happy:
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I recommend cycling - since I started cycling to and from work every day I've noticed a massive difference in my thighs and bum :-)
  • hanario
    hanario Posts: 6
    Great responses, have a lot to work with here!

    Basically I'm feeling like i'm getting a good workout in most of the other muscles....
    But have to be in swimwear in 2 months, and although i have a small bum, it isn't toned in the slightest and I just don't feel confident if i have to parade on a beach. (although who does!?)

    But i just want to feel as good as possible and get it as toned up as i can in that time period.

    Really love all these ideas.

    Although there is alot of stuff on the internet you never know if it actually works and just want some actual human input! :)
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