SunshineLady Member


  • I 100% agree! After my last daughter was born, I went from a C to a 34 F. That would have been great if I was in my 20's, but I was nearly 40. They are big, heavy and uncomfortable. Unfortunately, I can't seem to lose anything from my chest. Once I reach my goal weight, if I haven't lost something, I'm considering…
  • Good Morning, I tore the meniscus in my knee many years back, so, I understand and sympathize. I would suggest asking your doctor or nurse for advice on the types of exercises you can do safely. I made the mistake of trying to exercise before surgery and found out afterward I had been doing exercises that further damaged…
  • I am so happy for you!!! Can't wait to see those numbers falling!!!
  • Welcome to the site! I found this by accident last year. If I can be of help, please let me know.
  • If this is new pain it keeps popping back up, I say see a doctor. Pain is your bodies way of telling you when something is wrong. I have almost no cartlilage in my knees and I cannot do weight bearing exercises....steps, squatting, eliptical, running, dancing and etc....painful!
  • Any weight LOSS is a AWESOME!! That is one less pound you have to carry around...... and one less to worry about....:happy: and one step closer to your goal.
  • You are setting a GREAT example. It is up to him to make the CHOICE. If you force him into it, you know it will backfire!! If he withdraws too much, consider talking with your doctor or encourage him to go to the doctor. My suggestion.... keep setting a great example...keep a positive physical and mental outlook.…
  • :smile: overit.... Any weight lost is FANTASTIC!!!!!! Good Job!!!!!!!!:smile:
  • GREAT MORNING! I had a fantastic week. I"m down 6.5 lbs. Wishes do come true.. The other day I mentioned that I'd love to have a treadmill again but lacked the funds. I found a very nice one at our local Betty Griffin thrift shop by accident the other day. Guess how much? $35.00 not $350... $35. Taking about having a…
  • thicansxy.... I was talking about your ticker. I love the attitutude. I thought that I could reply directly to your post. Oops!
  • I love your ticker attitude!!!
  • Good Job!! Remember it's just a number and a starting place. That number is going to put a smile on your face once you accomplish your goal.
  • I watched my first show last night via the computer. It was the finale from last year! OMG. it's amazing!
  • Sounds about right to me!
  • Hi Jessica. How can I help?
  • Filling up the water bottle and making coffee helps me. I also make sure there is something readily available so I will not be tempted to go without eatting or eat something that I had not intended to. Personally, I can eat any left over meat and I keep boiled eggs in the fridge. You have to figure out what works for you.…
  • Is it too late to jump on this horse? Starting weight 169. Elizabeth
  • I just added my information to the original thread and now I find this thread. Is the thread going to be moving and changing each week? Below is the information I posted on the original thread a few minutes ago......... Good Afternoon Everybody!! Thursday is the check in day, correct?? I'm adding myself into the list for…
  • Good Afternoon Everybody!! Thursday is the check in day, correct?? I'm adding myself into the list for day one. To make my name clear, I'm not going to use my nickname (Lisa) because there are two others with that name. My first name is Elizabeth. Good ARoxie: SW 147/GW 128/ CW 138 EM: SW 150 / GW 140 / CW 150 Mackenzie:…
  • If you go to, there is a calculator that will give you an idea of how many calories you burn doing various activities.. including yard work. I hope that helps!:happy! My goal for June is to lose 18 lbs. It's a stretch because I missed my 20lb goal for May by 2 lbs. ...By the way, I used my yard work and…
  • Hi Amy, I live in South Augustine South subdivision. I have lived in Saint Augustine for almost two years. I love it! Lisa
  • Hello Everyone! I'm in. The last two weeks I've lost focus and need the extra push to get back on track! Name: Elizabeth SW: 190 CW: 170 GW: 150 Before I get any flack.... I know my goal is a stretch. Last month I lost 18. My total lost from April 22 till now is 20. Unfortunately, I slacked off and missed my May goal. I…
  • Hello Amy. I'm close, but, not close enough. My name is Lisa and I live in Saint Augustine, Fl. If I can be of help, please let me know.
  • Beautiful Morning to All!!! I just wanted to pop in and say hello and let you know that I found the threat. Hoamai, I fully understand what you mean about bad knees. I have almost no cartlidge left in both of mine. Water exercise is a definite plus. It is truly one of the few exercises I can do comfortably. As for the…
  • Good Morning.... I just wanted to say hello and that you are doing fantastic!!! I have one suggestion and please feel free to ignore me if you wish....Do not stress about a workout! With all the work you are doing around the house, you are probably getting a significant workout. Have you check out:…
  • I'll post a pic as soon as I can. My camera was stolen and I've not figured out how to use the web cam of my computer yet. (I'll admit....I've not tried it yet.) I'll play around and hopefully soon I'll show my face.:wink:
  • Good Morning Everyone! I found a GREAT website with some teriffic information regarding diet and weight loss. (This is not a new diet....Just free information.) The TUTORIAL is where the meat and bones are at. I'd suggest really digging into the info. I loved it!!! This site has calculators that will help you monitor the…
  • Hello! I'm 42 and new to the boards. I just found this site and these boards today. I've never blogged before, so, any advice? I began my journey on April 22 and, so far, I have lost 10 lbs. Currently, my weight is at 180, and my goal weight is 135. My personal goal is to feel sexy again, enjoy shopping for clothes and not…