In a state of shock...

linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
i don't know if this is a common saying when you come across a heavyset person and they make excuses for being the weight they are, etc. - "I have a tyroid issue" - but i've heard it a number of times. I've never been one for making excuses about myself. i always felt that i am the weight i am because i just didn't exercise and eat right (even though my ex husband and friends always said i never was one to eat that much) and yet i reached 300lbs rather quickly.

So i went to the doctor yesterday (as i've been having some heart palp. issues) and she said my thyroid count was low. REALLY low. Now I'm finding out that i actually am one of those people that have a thyroid issue and it's to blame for my huge weight gain over the years.I have something called Hypothyroidism. It accounts for me being so tired all the time even if I get a full nights rest and a number of other things including the weight gain.

So I asked her how have I been able to loose weight over the last 6 months. She said that is because of my hard work (yay!) but that with the amount of work I'm putting in and with the thyroid hormone so low I would be loosing a lot more a lot quicker. SOOOO I'll be going to a specialist soon and then put on some kind of thyroid medication. I was informed that when this happens the weight will practically fall off if I keep up with my current weight loss work ethic. We'll see *smiles*


  • sssrip
    sssrip Posts: 72
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    First of all congrats on your hard work! It will make it that much easier once they get your thyroid worked out! I know what you mean by hearing people using it as an excuse. But for some, and now you, it's a fact. I'm happy that you got that worked out and now maybe your goal will be reached even quicker! Don't lose the hard work and determination you've had. The medication won't do it alone, so now just keep doing what you've been doing and watch those numbers drop!!!!! :)
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    That is amazing! Sometimes it's just the best feeling in the world to have an answer and a way to fix it! I hope you continue to feel fabulous and healthy and do so look forward to hearing the updates along the way :smile:
  • SunshineLady
    SunshineLady Posts: 36 Member
    I am so happy for you!!! Can't wait to see those numbers falling!!!
  • Your story and mine are almost identical. I was thin growing up and then after having my kids I was 30 lbs heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant!!:sad: :sad: I basically couldn't even get off the couch without running out of breath. I wasn't dieting at the time, but I just knew that it had to be something else besides just being lazy!

    I went to 4 different doctors begging them to help figure out what was wrong with me and they all told me the same thing, "If you would lose some weight, you wouldn't be so tired all the time." :explode: :explode: :explode:
    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How was I even supposed to get up and exercise when I couldn't even play with my kids? And they even told me that my thyroid levels were low, but not low enough to need medicine, because I am only 27!:angry:

    I finally talked to my Gyno and she decided that she would test me for EVERYTHING!!! (and I mean should see my lab bills) And she did the T4 test and figured out that my thyroid levels were extremely low for my body type and referred me to an endocrinologist. They immediately put me on meds to treat Hypothyroidism. I am supposed to go have my levels checked every three months to make sure the meds are working correctly. I have only been on them since April '09 and they have been raised twice! I am DEFINITELY feeling a lot better, but not 100% yet. I encourage you to stay with it. I know that I feel a LOT better and it has motivated me to start exercising!:tongue::tongue:

    I have only been on MFP for 11 days and I have lost 9 lbs! Thanks for your story and congrats on the weight loss! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I've been there - had a case of hypothyroid due to eating way too much soy (including the textured vegetable protein which isn't good for you) when I was vegan. I also couldn't lose much weight despite working out. Don't know if you've also been losing hair, but if you have been, that will start getting thicker again, too. And since you're already working out, you will begin to see the benefits once they figure out how much thyroid you need - for me, the non-synthetic form seemed to work better, btw.

    Kudos to your doctor for doing the right tests right away! And good luck! :smile:
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am very excited about this news just because it's nice to know it can be fixed with a little time and my hard work and persistence wasn't for nothing.

    And yes my hair was thinning. I already have really thin hair but it was coming out in chunks which made me a bit nervous. I didn't know that was connected too??? Interesting...
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