Amyirene74 Member


  • Not a big asparagus fan but baked sweet potato sounds delicious. I have done spinach salads before they are pretty good.
  • I'm in surgical menopause. I take estrogen to help with the hot flashes.
  • I have to eat high sodium foods or I pass out. I have really low blood pressure and was told by my doctor to eat alot of salt. It keeps my pressure up. Otherwise I fall under 100/50 and get dizzy.
  • The meal on Saturday was my once in a year girls night out. I don't eat out like that every night. The pizza was our family dinner. My kids won't eat things like artichokes and tomatoes. We had some chicken last night that had those and they wouldn't touch it. The only thing they ate was the chicken and the pasta. I have…
  • Explain? I put absolutely everything I eat into the food diary on here. I think my food diary is public. Saturday was a fluke cause I had my once a year girls night out and went overboard but other than that I have been doing pretty good.
  • I have noticed this before and quit cause I couldn't stick with the low calories. I am determined to lose though this time. I am keeping my calories between 1300-1400 and have lost 6 lbs in 15 days. Then I ate more for 2 days and gained a pound and a half. I am frustrated. I weigh at the same time every morning right after…
  • Scoop of EAS Protein Shake Powder mixed with 8 ounces of unsweetened almond milk. 1 cup of coffee with stevia and 4 tbsp of sugar free creamer. 200 calories
  • I only eat 1400 calories a day. I don't want to go much lower. I am afraid I will go into starvation mode. I have an extremely slow metabolism.
  • How many should I aim for of each exercise?
  • As for can I get enough without eating alot of meat? We are on a slim budget and meat is super expensive.
  • I can't drink the coffee without the creamer. Its too strong tasting for me otherwise. The treadmill is in the family room. Its the only place I can put it. If I get on it when the little ones are around they try to climb on it with me. School starts again soon though. Outside isn't an option. Its super cold outside and…
  • I have been to the doctor. She said to monitor my food and walk 30 mins a day. I haven't started walking yet but will be starting on Thursday when the kids go back to school. I had the stomach flu and then the kids have been on break.
  • As of this morning I am down 3 lbs. I really hope it keeps coming off. I tend to lose 2-3 lbs and gain back 5. This morning for breakfast I changed what I normally have. Instead of regular creamer, I used sugar free creamer and cut the calories down to 80 from 144. I also added in a slice of whole wheat toast with a little…
  • Thank you
  • I'm 5'4" and my "perfect" weight for me is about 130-135. If I get any thinner than 130 than I start to look gross. I lose my chest completely. My current weight loss goal is to get to 130.
  • The thing is I actually eat less now than I used to. I used to eat about 3000 calories a day. I originally cut back to 2500 calories but continued to gain weight. Then I went down to 2000, and then 1500 and still gaining. My metabolism is shot. I did lose weight about 18 months ago but I used the HCG diet. I lost 26 lbs…
  • I love salads but only with dressing on it. What kinds of food would you suggest? I can't afford organic right now. I have a family of 6 I am feeding (7 when my step-son is here).
  • The candy was a fluke thing. I eat candy about once every couple of months. The coffee is an every day thing though. I need it to get through the day. I have 6 kids(4 still at home with 2 under the age of 5) and I am also bipolar. I have checked my meds and they are med neutral. I was gaining before I started them anyways.…
  • I'm on estrogen but it doesn't seem to be helping with the weight. I am going to try to start using my treadmill in the mornings when my daughter is at school. I think I can get my 3 year old to watch tv long enough for me to get on it. I do not get any breaks from the kids so I have to try to work around them. Everyone…
  • I'm 38 years old, 5'4" and 177 lbs. I am starting to really follow my eating plan tomorrow.