

  • eat breakfast,... you've fasted all night, break fast.. make sure tho that it is protein/fat and carbs.. I alternate between poached or boiled eggs on toast with mushrooms and cooked tomatoes.. or cereal (high fibre) with fruit and yoghurt.. or handful brazil nuts and good value low sugar cereal bar.. make sure you…
  • everything is fattening if you eat too much of it, and dont keep moving.. I generally eat dense wholemeal/grain bread, specifically cos I am hypoglycaemic and need to keep sugars regular and not spiking otherwise I crash.. if I eat white bread or too many starches I might as well give up on my day and go to bed.. also…
  • Hi Kelly and everyone.. This is my first time, just came across this site from recommendation from trademe community..It's awsum!!! I've figured out why even though I am exercising etc that I'm not dropping the pounds (kgs) .. I'm not eating enough.. weird really .. when you're dieting (die with a T) .. you're focusing on…
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