Hello Quatsi..... Sorry for repeating myself ...... You are doing fantastic.... and you are an example for others to follow... Your are showing us that all is needed is...: determination, comittment and perseverance.... You don' t need a Gym, weights, bike, skates, fancy exercise machine, latest fad training program and or…
this is a great site for support...! add me in if you like..!
I ll tell you all Why ... it works.... ! Just take it a little further... Try stopping eating as soon as you wake up every day... YOU WILL LOOSE WEIGHT ..... GUARANTEED...!...!....... well... at least until riga mortis settles in... then its just a matter of how much of an active compost your burial ground is... and how…
Ok Mad...dont know if I am anywhere in ur league...but hey nothing wrong with dreamin right?....
Hey there... this is a fun site... there are tons of people sharing successes, trials and errors an dmost importantly supporting each other... Add me in as friend if you like..!
Come on Folks.... this can ' be it....!... I know you all have some real good ones...!
Hi Angel.... I see you dont post very often,.. and it seems that you are finally breaking down and start looking for help where you feel you just not getting anywhere...! I can understand your frustration... 5 weeks of status quo must be incredibly discouraging ...! I was ready to quit after 5 days of plateau...! Look at…
Hello Kaila.... Would love to help.... but can you be more specific ..?
Thanks Skinny.... and I am sure you will get to where you want to be...!
Great job... you are an inspiration for many of us....!Keep it up...!
Calling on all Budapestians....I need some Training partners... Anybody out there?
Add me in if you like... and yes... this site and its calorie counting system is great and will help you reach your goals... I swear by it as well....! Cheers, Dominique..
What can I say...?... all of what you posted is right on track... we hear it all the times and sometimes preach it... but too many times don't practice it..(like me... wanting to lose 4 or 5 lbs per week...! LOL...!).! your loss is great in 6 months... just sticking to your committment for the long run is an…
Hi _Gabrielle, The body fat percentage is taken off directly from my scale, it has sensing plates where you position your feet and somehow measures your water % as well as body fat %... I am not sure how acurate it is ..but the numbers seem to parallel the weight changes ... I dont give ot much credit... but I am a numbers…
Lools like yours is better than mine...! where were you working..?
Good Evening Budapest..... Hello !? Hello!? Anybody out there...?
Hi Gabrielle, First Congrats on those 70 lbs ..that is just terrific..! As far as plateau.. for my part, I have hit one at around 90 kgs ..I came down really fast from 97 in about 2 weeks... and then...nothing.. It is so disappointing..but I have read a lot of posts and I have made my own theory... I believe that the…