kkvon Member


  • I have had the same injury while playing football in collage. One of the things that i found helped me with the pain was a compression wrap. It may provide you with enough support where you are able to walk with a little less discomfort. If you can get a stationary bike or put your bike on an indoor trainer you can soft…
  • I think you should be ok. I dont know if it is the cloth strap with the small plastic transmitter or if it is the large plastic one. The larger plastic one will still fit, you will just notice it more. The cloth one you wont .
  • LIfe...do you already have a regular bike? If so just go buy a bike trainer. Even if you dont have a regular bike i would recomend going out to buy one and also purchasing a trainer. Here is the thing. Most good bikes dont have weight limits (specialized bikes i know for sure I have personally spoken with them ). If you…
  • Here is the thing. If you happen to take a look at the diaries of what some of the people who are always below cal count you will notice one of a few things. 1: The are not eating calorie dense foods. Grains, rice, nuts, pasta, high fat content foods. They will have a lot more veggies in their diet. 2. Some just stop…
  • A little disapointed with the loss this week. Was hoping for more then 1/2 a pound. The good thing is i am back into the swing of things with diet and excercise. Feeling good about that. SW: 270 GW: 245 CW: 266.5 Short term goal 260
  • So today I got on the scale and it said 267. That puts me 1 lb lighter then I was last week. A little off of my goal of 2 lbs a week but I feel ok about. I find that my biggest challenge every week is the week end. Is it just me or does anyone else gain weight over the week end? I am always good for 2 - 3 lbs. My plan this…
  • The more the support the better...:happy:
  • Down 1lb this week..not to happy about it but it is something..to Quote Dory (saving Nemo) "Just keep swimming" SW: 270 GW: 245 CW: 269 Short term goal 260
  • Rachael, If you want a new target just go into your goals and make changes to you goal weight. The software will recalculate a target for you based off of what you select for your goal of maintaining, losing 1 lb a week etc. Hope this helps.
  • :smile: Rachael,
  • Hi everyone. I am new to this post but love the idea of a weekly weigh in. Just to give a little about me. I am a former athlete who without a purpose (getting bigger fast and stronger for the sport) find it difficult to eat clean and work out on a regular routine. I believe this will be great group for me...accoutablity…
  • I dont know, but what i have done before is, if i am eating out i will eat what i think is a serving size and being the rest home. When home i will use a food scale to estimate what i ate using the left overs.
  • Try changing things up a little. The body is a machine that will adapt to whatever you throw at it. If you have stayed on a reduce calorie diet for to long you body will become more efficient at using the calories it gets. I use to have go wild weekends where i ate outside my normal diet and would loose weight. I would…