frustration vent

ok so long story short last time i did dieting and working out i lost 40 lbs in 4 months now im not expecting that mirical to happen again but i have started to work out again tracking everything i eat and eating very well i only have one cheat meal a week and even then its not a HUGE cheat and its only one meal not the whole day and i have been going to the gym and working my toosh off and i cant seem to lose the weight, its just stuck. i have been doing more weights trying to tone my legs and arms (i need to work on the tummy too but thats just sooooo embarasing at the gym for me) so im hoping its cause im gaining muscel and losing fat. anyways this is just a vent cause i dont get it lol.


  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    UGH!! :mad: Hang in there!! It WILL happen. You are doing great. Have you checked your inches lost?? Maybe it's inches and not weight right now...???
    Don't give up!!

  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I had to up my cardio drastically to see the scale go down. Good luck
  • beautifullyjaded
    i have check my measurements and i have gone down a 1/2 inch on my waist hips and thighs so i guess thats def a good thing im just so tired of seeing the scale over 200 lbs ugh! i was down to 199 right before my wedding and got back up to 218.5 and its jsut frustrating to see that. as far as uping my cardio i have defanitly done that but the machines i work out on also build muscle in your legs so like they say it takes more fat to make up a lb then muscel so im hoping im just gaining lots of muscle >.<
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I hear you...I'm having the same problem! I was losing over 10 pounds a month (I need to lose 100 lbs. btw) and now I can't even seem to lose 5 doing the same things I was doing before. I've stayed under my calories everyday except one since I've started and put in some serious workouts....and nada......anyone got adivce? I even tried upping my calories a few days and resting w/out exericse a day or two and still nada... WHAT GIVES?!
  • Lisatru62
    I feel your pain. I've been good, counting calories and entering in every bite of food religiously and the scale seems to be stuck. I know I haven't been exercising vigorously, mainly because I have physical limitations but I have been walking purposely 3-4 times per week and not eating the extra calories I burn, at least not all the time. I would think that the scale would continue its downward descent, but no such luck. My husband did point out that I look smaller the other day, so maybe you are losing inches instead of weight. I tell myself that it is not the weight I am trying to reach but an actual lifestyle goal. Keep up the good work and eventually those stubborn pounds will come off.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Try changing your exercise routine; don't do the same cardio everyday. You can also do intervals of on the elliptical up your speed as fast as you can go for 30 seconds then back down for a minute then another 30 second burst. I change things around every few weeks as it seems I get stuck after 3 to 4 weeks.
    Also, try eating back some of the calories you burn from exercise and don't eat the same things everyday. You don't want to be too far under your calories or your body will hold onto the weight...that's what happened to me.
    Good luck and keep going! You'll break through! :flowerforyou:
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Oh and be sure to drink lots of fluids, especially after your workout.
  • kkvon
    kkvon Posts: 21 Member
    Try changing things up a little. The body is a machine that will adapt to whatever you throw at it. If you have stayed on a reduce calorie diet for to long you body will become more efficient at using the calories it gets. I use to have go wild weekends where i ate outside my normal diet and would loose weight. I would also change my workout up every few weeks. Keep you body guessing.

    Just some thoughts. Hope they help.

    "Stay on target"
  • beautifullyjaded
    i def change up my work outs and i do eat my work out calories back, but eating more for a couple days sounds like a good plan. i know on the hcg diet your supose to gorge yourself the first few days maybe i should try eating more not gorging but eating above normal for a couple days then go back to the normal "diet". thanks for the good ideas!!!!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Last year I hit the gym and "toned up" which meant I added muscle under my fat. This time I am doing all cardio until I get to 155 and THEN I'm doing p90x to tone up.