

  • Well welcome to myfitnesspal.:smile:
  • I've been over weight since I was about 10. Last year at this time a facebook friend of mine hosted a Biggest Loser Event. I ended up winning that and since I've lost 70 lbs and counting. Don't let it get you down. Just think this is the last time I'll ever see this number on the scale. It's hard at time but if you put in…
  • I eat lentil salad. Basially what I do is cook the lentis. Then I chop up what ever veggies I want to use. I usually do carrots, onions, and celery. Then mix that with the cook lentils and some Italian dressing. I put that in a pita pocket and top it with feta cheese. It's awesome and it keeps for about a week.
  • I say the doctor has no idea what they are talking about. Exercise doesn't help loose weight??? Seriously?? The last time I checked it did. If you drop your calories that low your probably going to feel like crap and you may not even lose weight. When you are way beneath your daily caloric need your body goes into…
  • You may need to up your intensity. Also, try excersises that you hate or avoided doing before. I had this problem so I started running. Now I loose weight any week I run but on weeks I don't run I don't lose weight.