Fat & Depressed! In need of support and motivation

I'm 23 & 5'5" 180lbs :( I want to lose 50lbs by my birthday in July. Being this overweight has gotten me very depressed because I was skinny my whole life...Before I had my son in 2008 I was 122lbs, and even after he was born dropped back to 129 without even trying. Then I turned 20 and my metabolism said F YOU! Everytime I try this I give up, thinking I'll never be able to lose all the weight...so I'm in need of some serious motivation and encouragement. Looking to add some friends on here so I'm not doing this alone!


  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I feel your pain... I was 6% body fat and 210 in 1992 until I destroyed my back... I have not been south of 250 since and in July had gotten up to 425... I'm now down 97.2 pounds and have about 115 pounds to go. You can do this... Its not about being at a specific weight but rather trying to be as healthy today as you can be and tomorrow being a bit healthier than today.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Being heavy is hard. Break things down in smaller goals. Yea it is great to say you want to loss 50 pounds by July...but July is months away. What do you want to loss this month? 5 pounds? 8 pounds? What do you want eat caorie-wish this week? Are you exercising? Make exercise a goal this week. I am gonna walk for 20 minutes 3 times this week. Once you look at smaller goals they aren't as overwhelming and you will start feeling better about yourself. Then went you hit those goals you will feel GREAT. If looking at a week is too much....say today I am gonna walk for 20 minutes. Then do it!!
  • desiree7hanson
    desiree7hanson Posts: 31 Member
    I am the same way, was always thin, and packed on 25 lbs over 2.5 years. You just have to be ready. It takes sooooo much self control. You still can have the fatty foods you love, just not as often and split it up. For example, I love egg plant parmesan from Olive Garden, if I split the meal in half, that can still fit into my diet as long as I eat sensibly the rest of the day. Then I eat the other half the next day. Just look at menus ahead of time and you can still go out. You can do it!
  • I'm looking to lose 50 more pounds by my birthday in July also :) Feel free to add me. What day in July is your birthday?
  • Mrsbusk
    Mrsbusk Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in the same boat I'm 23 and 206lbs....and 125 in high school. And went down hill after I graduated..I tell ya... Haha...I guess the best thing is to say screw you metabolism... And fight back.:-)
  • Sent you a friend invite! I feel your pain! I too am struggling to lose weight and feeling very depressed! I want my skinny jeans back!!! Hoping that with support I will be able to do this and would LOVE to have you on my support team!!
    JBWILLOW Posts: 108 Member
    You can add me if you like =)
  • You've taken the first step and that's the only way to get anywhere!
    I totally understand where you are coming from and we have the same story, except that my weight didn't start sneaking up on me until after my last child 12yrs ago. You are a smart girl to get on this issues so quickly and learn good habits. I started losing weight in September after being disgusted with myself for not fitting comfortably in a booth at a diner. I have lost almost 25lbs since I started although I only joined here after I started losing the weight. Life is full of set backs so don't beat yourself up. Start with small goals so they are easier to meet and congratulate yourself when You chose well! I do suffer with Depression so I know how discouraging it can be to look at the big picture, so breaking it down to smaller segments certainly helped me. Start with a walk to the end of drive way. Then to the corner. Then the next street. Same thing with meals. Start with a salad instead of a heaping pile of potatoes, or have an apple with peanut butter instead of chips when watching a movie. Just start slow and simple and you'll soon be on your way! My goal was to lose 150lbs, but since thats a HUGE number so I focus on monthly goals. I hope you find this advice helpful. I'm rooting for you!
  • I totally get it....when i had my first son I lost it right away, second, took an office job and the weight stuck around....goal is to be at my my goal weight by next summer 120 lbs...45 to go...feel free to add me, I need support too and for someone to come into my house and steal all those mini halloween chocolate bars
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Your baby is adorable.

    I'm looking to lose 50 more pounds by my birthday in July also :) Feel free to add me. What day in July is your birthday?
  • Cowboyzfan82288
    Cowboyzfan82288 Posts: 161 Member
    Chin up! You can do this. There is alot of super support here. Just stay positive, one pound at a time. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I completely understand. Add me if youd like.
  • nikkinicole88
    nikkinicole88 Posts: 10 Member
    I feel your pain, after I had my daughter I slowly but surely blew up! For no reason at all, I was not eating bad but I also was not working out. Your body changes. Best advice is start slow, it is hard, don't down talk your self! Dont focus on the scale just go out there and hit the gym and eat healthy, just do it all within your limits. You can do it! Will send you a friend invite... :) good luck!
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    I'm looking to lose 50 more pounds by my birthday in July also :) Feel free to add me. What day in July is your birthday?

    I sent you a friend request :) My birhtday is July 24th when is yours? Your baby is adorable how old? I have a 5 month old daughter :)
  • I know that feel. :/
    I just celebrated my 23rd. I'm at 200, 5'5, and was 134 in high school. Had my first little boy and went up to 160, got back down to 150 before i got pregnant again and haven't been below 180 since. TT_TT
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you all so much. It is so nice to hear all of the encouragement and to know I'm not in this alone!
  • Your baby is adorable.

    I'm looking to lose 50 more pounds by my birthday in July also :) Feel free to add me. What day in July is your birthday?

    Thank you :)
  • I'm looking to lose 50 more pounds by my birthday in July also :) Feel free to add me. What day in July is your birthday?

    I sent you a friend request :) My birhtday is July 24th when is yours? Your baby is adorable how old? I have a 5 month old daughter :)

    Mine is the 10th. I'm 24 and my daughter is 1 week and 1 day old today :)
  • I've been over weight since I was about 10. Last year at this time a facebook friend of mine hosted a Biggest Loser Event. I ended up winning that and since I've lost 70 lbs and counting. Don't let it get you down. Just think this is the last time I'll ever see this number on the scale. It's hard at time but if you put in the work and change your lifestyle you will lose the weight. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm always willing to share the weight loss information I've gained. Don't let it get you down girl. You CAN do this!
  • I never thought about breaking my goals down into smaller goals until I just read your comment. I'm going to put this inton use and see my results... :)