dollymac74 Member


  • I started this web site in August when the cruise went onsale. I didn't get on the cruise until the first week of January, but I lost 30lbs because I knew in my heart I would be on that boat and I knew I would have a 5* this year. I feel way better already, but I want to lose at least 20 more before the cruise, but I have…
  • Awesome job girl! Keep up the good work!
  • The colder the water the better, I got mini ice cube trays so I can put ice in my sports bottle to take to work with me. I fill it all the way to the top with ice, then fill it with water.
  • How long have you been doing this? When I first started, which was about 3-4 weeks ago, the first week my weight did not budge at all. I was so frustrated, exactly like you. I don't get to exercise every day but I have stayed under calories every day but one, and I was really close. Just give it time, stick with it and you…
  • Speaking of avocados, last summer I was eating avocados like they were going out of style instead of other ftty foods, it cuts your cravings for other fatty stuff. I lost 16 lbs and I was eating two or three avos a day.
  • I want to join :) I'm just starting this week. This is my third day and I think this will really help keep me going :)