johnm8703 Member


  • Moe - If you felt that it was right for you that's all that matters. I know it's hard not to listen to other people but their opinion is just that THEIR opinion. All that matters is your opinion. Best of luck to you on your recovery and your journey!
  • jd I use both. I really just use my fitbit to track my steps and my sleep (when I remember to). But I defer to MFP for my food/weight management. I subscribe to the belief that the more tools that you have the more apt you are to be successful. And have found that the two linked and working together have provided me a good…
  • Thank you all for your insight. I think that my biggest fear of going inside is the "boredom factor" Just need to get some new upbeat tunes to keep me going! ;-) tincanonastring - I'm north of Albany, NY. I just saw a little bit of grass poking through the snow. ;-)
  • Trish, Welcome back! I too am coming back after a lay off because of a bout with depression following my moms passing. Now that I've been back on for just over a month I can already see the results of being back. It's always tough to get started again! Just remind yourself, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one…
  • Thanks for the tips everyone! It's good to be back. And Shannon..yes I am!
  • Welcome Amber and T! Feel free to add me. I'm 35 and have about another 100 pounds to go! I'm a father of 2 so I can totally relate to the struggle of parenthood and healthy eating! Best of luck to both of you on your journeys!!!
    in Hello Comment by johnm8703 May 2013
  • Way to go man! Congrats!
    in Success! Comment by johnm8703 May 2013
  • Thanks guys! I appreciate the support. I decided to get myself back to paying better attention to everything and had a good week last week. Today I decided to get myself back to the gym and start working out again. Hopefully, life will stay on the track that it's currently on for a while without too many changes. Thanks…
  • Congrats! I know that feeling well! Keep it up!
  • Welcome back! It's always good to get someone back to the family! I'm sorry to hear that you hit a rough patch. Unfortunately that's part of life. But regardless I'm glad that you got back on the horse.
  • Hi Mike! Welcome to the family! I'm 6'3" currently 323. Started on here at 430. At my heaviest I was somewhere around 500. I sent you a request.
    in Hi all Comment by johnm8703 April 2013
  • Welcome to the family Dean! Best of luck to you on your continued journey!
  • Well done! Keep it up! You're doing great!
  • I've heard some good things about the sleeve but can't say that I've had any personal experience with it. I did have "The Band" put on about 8-10 years ago. At first I had very good success with it. But then slowly I put the weight back on. Just keep in mind that Bariatric Surgery only works to help the physical portion…
  • Welcome aboard! Friend Request sent!
  • Stress is an unfortunate part of life. And compound that with the holidays and it can make it a killer. Perhaps maybe you're pushing too hard. Maybe just try and focus on your food for a brief period of time and then get back to worrying about getting a workout in. Just take this challenge on the same way most of us…
  • Well hi there neighbor! ;-)
  • Megan. Welcome aboard! We're glad that you found us. This is a great group of people here! VERY supportive! Best of luck to you on your journey! -a fellow upstater
  • Jessica, Welcome to the club! This is a great group of people. VERY supportive! We're all here for different reasons but with the same goal in mind! Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • I haven't done Insanity yet but I have done 30DS before and it kicked my butt but it was GREAT! I highly recommend it.
  • Welcome back Moe! Not having the day to day support at home is always tough! But if you can fight through and find support in other places (work, friends, on here) you can be successful. Good luck!
  • Savage You're the Bomb-diggity! Thanks for all the support you've given to me. To anyone that's new feel free to friend request me. I'm happy to support you!
  • Al, Thanks for the friend request! I'm happy to help you out and support you! We're all in this fight together! Feel free to hit me up for anything. John
  • I have to agree with doornumber03. I have a Polar FT7 and love it!
  • Welcome! It's great to have you here! Speaking from experience this is the best thing I've ever come across when it comes to weight loss (short of college football practice). I started the week before easter this past April and hope to be down 100 pounds before my daughters first birthday (Valentines Day). I've done WW and…
  • I'm sorry that you all seem to be having this same issue but I'm also glad that I'm not the only one...sorry guys. I ended up joining the Planet Fitness near my house yesterday. I went today and did about 30 minutes on the treadmill and felt re-invigorated afterwards. Also, the fact that I was able to weigh myself on a…
  • Great plan Julie! I hope that your plan works out for you! Best of luck! Just think we only have 2 more weeks of the "holidays"
  • Squeak - There's no need to apologize for sharing your feelings. I'm just glad to know that I'm not alone. I know that my issue is directly related to the stress of the holidays. One of my coping mechanisms always has been eating. I find myself being able to control how frequently I eat. But I seem to make less than great…
  • My goal is to be at 100 pounds lost by the New Year. Coincidentally that would be the weight I was when I first weighed in for College Football back in 1996 330 lbs. Only 14 pounds to go! One day at a time, one choice at a time, one nibble at a time!
  • I've have found a few things that are tough: 1) cream...etc. I'm working really hard to keep this all in moderation without depriving myself. 2) Before Bed snacks - I work 3p - 11p and when I get home I can't just go to bed. But my wife and kids are asleep so there's noone to really talk to but the…