

  • Thanks for the tips guys! I am finding it hard to find some variety with the low carb diets.. but on the other hand I HATE low fat diets! This website is helping me stay on track! Thanks again xx
  • absolutely love your idea!
  • I dont have any tips for you.. just wanted to let you know that I share your addiction.. I am drinking one as I type :)
  • Hi, I recently have had the same problem.. i joined a gym over 3 months ago and have been going religiously 5-6 times a week.. I was extremely discouraged after 3 months and no weight loss. I have now combined my exercise with a diet and getting fantastic results.. I am doing 40 mins cardio and 20-30 weight training.. Good…
  • I will make sure I show my personal trainer your notes and sorry for the bad information... guess we all cant be right and it sucks to be told so on a weight loss website... Azdak thanks for your opinion and good luck in your weight loss goals...
  • Definitely am4fitness.com its quite catchy
  • About 6 months ago... my diet doesn't like pizza unfortunately! WWTLTY brought something really expensive??
  • Hi and welcome to MFP... i have found this site fantastic to keep me motivated! Good Luck in all your weight loss
  • Hi, Great post! I recently had some time with the personal trainer at my gym, he believes that you must stay at about 70% - 80% heart rate to lose weight. Once you go higher than 70-80% you are using your heart & lung muscles and not burning fat. The way he showed me to work out what your heart rate should be is 220…