advice on exercise needed.

:happy: Sun 09/26/10 05:56 AMExercise. I hear that you should exercise 4-5 times a week. However I am finding that when I don't exercise I don't lose. Since I have just joined I'm not sure if I am going over my calories on the days I don't exercies. I was concidering exercising 7 days a week, but instead of doing an hour of ellpitcal I would do a 1/2 hour and add a half hour of weight toning. To change things up, and hopeful start my weight loss again since it has been 3 weeks since I lost anything. :-(


  • Ayla89

    I recently have had the same problem.. i joined a gym over 3 months ago and have been going religiously 5-6 times a week.. I was extremely discouraged after 3 months and no weight loss.
    I have now combined my exercise with a diet and getting fantastic results..
    I am doing 40 mins cardio and 20-30 weight training..

    Good Luck with all your weight loss goals
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    First off, I wouldn't try and change things overnight. Start slow and add new changes a little at a time. Do things that are fun and that you enjoy. As long as it is work or a drudge, you will never stick with it.

    For me, I love water aerobics and walking. I can do without having to feel miserable every time I do it. Cardio is very important but it doesn't have to be more than 20 minutes a day, but more is always better.
  • turbojanem
    make sure you are not working the same muscles 2 days in a row with your lifting. if you are lifting...full body workouts, alternate days and give your muscles a break.

    my suggestion so that you can eat half your exercise calories: 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of full body weights, next day do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of a yoga/palates type muscle tone/stretch.

    alternate this schedule for 6 days, take the 7th day off for rest...and that day does not have to be Sunday. pick your busiest day at work/in your family and rest your muscles on that day.

    keep us posted!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I exercise 7 days a week. I started using weights in my workouts, not just cardio, and i can't believe the difference it has made!! I am more toned then ever!!! I use light dumbells 3 -5 lbs. and do alot of reps. resistance bands work great as well. Circuit trainging workouts are awesome, you get the cardio in with the weights. I
    have also found if i eat nothing, or a little protein before i workout in the morning i feel better, and have been more successful. I used to eat a big breakfast, thinking i needed fuel, so my entire workout was basically burning what i had ate because my system was loaded with fuel, not using the stored fat!!
    I workout 6 days for 60-80 minutes, and 1 day i do a 20-30 minute workout, then something active(bike, go hiking, golfing, ect.) The key for me has been finding something i enjoy doing, exercise can't be something you dread!
    As for going over on your cals. thats another reason i workout each day...i like a little cushion ;) keep in mind, walking, parking in the farthest parking space at the store, taking stairs, playing with kids, basically anything active counts! Good Luck!
  • beachcomber12
    I was doing the same things too and I decided my body was so use to the same thing over and over that my results were no showing , so I added classes along with my cardio machines and I am now seeing a differance n my body. Still need to see that scale change though. My diet has to change now.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Are you Following the gym intro paper given to you. Usually when you join they ask that you go through an assessment. Then They will show you the equipment. And tell you to follow some plan to weight loss. Remember these don't push you so their liability is lower. These are for the average.
    If this is the case you will need to find someone to help you modify it to fit your body, needs and wants.

    I still use the schedule but because my muscles are so out of shape I do the machines until exhaustion not in rep form. plus a few more my trainer friend gave me. I do Top one day Bottom the next then my target areas the 3rd. M/W/F schedule. every for weeks a new plan.

    And I use the different options on the tread and elliptical everyday -6 day a week. Making sure I stay in my target Heart Rate.
    Cardio day I go about an hour, right around 650 cals.

    I warm up for 10mins, do my weight training then do cardio while all my muscles are hot.
    I am at the gym 1:30 to 2hrs a day. They have daycare so the longer the better for me.