

  • Hi everybody I am new to my fitness pal I was tracking with another application but needed a change I have been a Vegetarian 1 year this month. I have food sensitivities so I don't drink cow’s milk and I eat almond cheese. I am finding that I need to be a healthier Vegetarian and I am moving towards being a Vegan. I am…
  • You should start a blog called non-moms so we can track and reply easier to what we are doing as a group?
  • Hello everybody, I have a hard time making time to work out. How about a goal of least working out days next week?:happy:
  • Count me in :happy:
  • When I get depressed I go outside and take deep breaths, and look around at the trees, sky and relax even if it is just for 5 minutes. I also have a board in my office and I cut words, sayings, articles anything that makes me smile and hang it on the board. As for eating I just keep journaling and when i slip I just move…