New here and having problems getting started

I am a emotiominal eater and i am dealing with depression. All i want to do is eat anything that is not glued down.
Then after i do that i cry my eyes out. I need motivation. Help.


  • Daisy28

    This is something that gets me too. It is one of the reason I have barely any food in the house! Tell me what other things make you feel better. I love a long bath with bubbles and a book that I don't mind getting a bit soggy.

  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    Me too.... Get out and walk around... put headphones stuff that's good for you and filling, like some peanut butter on celery.. a bananna.

    Have you talked to a doctor? There are medications that will help get your saritonin levels evened out.
  • Maggie1960
    You've come to the right place for motivation and support, there are lots of friendly people here and lots of us are emotional eaters as well. Add me as a friend and I'll help you as much as I can.:smile:
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I am an emotional eater too. It's not an easy thing to overcome, and trust me you will have bad days. When you're eating your meals through the day, save some calories for bedtime snacks. Emotional eaters usually have a harder time at night. Stock up on healthy snacks... and use those. Baby carrots with fat free ranch dressing (hidden valley tastes the best) or maybe a few crackers with some laughing cow cheese make good snacks that feel filling and satisfy that crunchy craving.

    When you do stumble, don't give up. Just start over the next day. Developing new habits take at least three weeks. Just don't be hard on yourself. You'll get there!

    Last but not least, when you're feeling depressed, lean on your friends and your MFP buddies. We are all in the same boat!

  • precioustypeoflove
    i will add u as a friend !! u have to get ur self together and say today is time for change and just get in it head first food doesnt solve problems it makes problems !! eliminate all the bad food in your house thats a good start if u dont c it u wont eat it and if u wanna snack find u some fruit are veggies that will fill u up ! im a big pasta eater but quess what i know i wont lose weight and be happy with my self if i keep eatting like a dog portion controll is key u can do if i can , and mfp can help u to c just how much fat and cals u eat a day and thats a big reallity check !!
  • blankerl
    A lot of good advice...Something that works for me is I save one really good snack for the evening (PB sandwich---big PB an)...I also try to work out in front of my TV...makes the time fly by...especially if it is a good show.
  • rebecca7436
    When I get depressed I go outside and take deep breaths, and look around at the trees, sky and relax even if it is just for 5 minutes. I also have a board in my office and I cut words, sayings, articles anything that makes me smile and hang it on the board. As for eating I just keep journaling and when i slip I just move on.
  • bkw157
    Thank you everyone who posted I am going to try some of the ideas everyone of you posted. I need to remind my self a weight loss journey is a take one day at a time step. I need to learn to love salads again. Thank you precious freinds are a great help in the weight loss battle. My son and his girlfriend and my new grandbaby live with us and i need to find the will power to
    pass off the junk food. Like the other night my husband went to the emergency department for a mingraine and when we left at
    11:30 pm i went and got a doughnut. Yesterday was a better day.
  • tiffanylia
    tiffanylia Posts: 3 Member
    I completely understand! I hired a personal trainer - we met this week to remeasure my body fat after being on his exercise plan for the past 2 months - I stayed the same, I think he was more upset than me.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I was on MFP for 7 months before I got really serious and dedicated and figured it out. There have been other posts asking if people cleaned out their kitchen when they started and many folks claimed they did not, they just used portion control and willpower . . . NOT ME . . . Im an emotional eater as well so had to completely rid my kitchen of everything that was not completely healthy. Throughout my journey I realized that anytime I was alone I would gravitate to the kitchen and eat, and eat, and eat some more. My kids all moved out within the last year so I knew this was something I had to conquer.
    I now log onto MFP, take the dogs for a walk, roll up my sleeves and clean something, basically just keep busy as I find Im now alone a lot more.
    Once you pinpoint your own issues only then can you take the steps to overcome them. I finally did in May after being on MFP since last November and have steadily lost an average of 1 to 2 pounds per week since.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    5-HTP for your serotonin levels. I live by it. It really really helps. Also, get rid of the unhealthy stuff in your house and replace it with healthy snacks. I know, easier said then done. Also, talk about what is depressing you to anyone that will listen. Get a journal, write out your feelings instead of eating.

    Also ... friend people here :)
  • bkw157
    I love to read and shop. I also enjoy holding my grandbaby. One question are we suppose to write down our drinks like milk and jucies.
  • bkw157
    You ladies are so awesome thank you for the help and support. This site is so awesome.
  • mkmorris430
    I think with journaling, you just have to remember to be honest. I write down everything I put in my mouth. I have to be honest with my self to succeed. I am an emtional eater too so I know exactly where you are coming from. Stay strong and remember everyone here is on a journey to better health. Dont beat yourself up when you dont have a perfect day. Just look at it as an opportunity to do better. Find something that motivates your precous grandbaby!
  • bkw157
    You Ladies have made feel great and i feel realy motivated to do this. I want to sit here and cry because you ladies are totally supportive. Thank you again.
  • precioustypeoflove
    everytime u look at ur grandbaby think of how u want to be here to see her grow up !!
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    Don't beat yourself up!One donut is fine~It didn't take just one to get you and me here.It's your mind telling you...well I blow it already so whats two or three more going to hurt. I like the saying NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS !!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    just take it one step at a time, start over. You can do it, you just have to be determined and if you mess up just get back on track. When people dont reach their goals it is usually because they give up. If you keep getting back on track you will eventually get there it just might take longer
  • bkw157
    Yesterday was a better day i was dealing with a head cold but today i am so pumped and i am going to do this and i am hitting the water cooler and fill up my cup. I am so going to change my dinner for tonight we usally do pizza on thursday night. I am going to plaly with the food diary.
  • mrocka
    mrocka Posts: 55 Member
    Hello & welcome

    Im new to this site too, I just joined today & my desire is to really get serious about losing some weight & just the short
    while i have been here im already inspired..... so welcome & good luck we can do this together!!!

    fell free to add me!!!
