

  • Finding these posts really made me feel that I'm not alone and that unfortunately there is such a thing as the 5% (or whatever) who have bad side effects. I should've known better as I've never done well on hormonal birth control, especially when I had the Depo shot. I had my Mirena put in one year ago to calm down my…
  • Sigh. I’m reading this and feeling really sad. I had the Mirena placed at the end of May (2 months and a week ago)… I’ve gained 10 pounds and I’m generally a mess. I’m tired, grumpy, hungry all the time and my breasts feel like they did when I was pregnant. I was doing the Dukan Diet and was on track and had lost 25 and…
  • I've been doing it since January & have lost 23-25 pounds (I fluctuate up and down with water weight). It's great at first but you do get really bored eating the same things over and over.
  • I'm thinking about doing this but was wondering if I needed any equipment to go along with it? hand weights? yoga ball, etc? Also, I believe I saw it on iTunes so I could put it on my iTouch (have the cord) and wouldn't have any excuse not to do it since I'm travelling a lot at the end of this month.