

  • Eating more just means you have 5-6 small meals through out the day, it helps keep your metabolism from slowing down. However, those meals need to be of the healthy variety and not saturated in unhealthy fats, but you also need to make sure that you're exercising regularly. Cutting down calories will help but eventually…
  • I always feel that way, regardless of how much or how little I’ve had. I feel as if I constantly need to be chewing on something, I eat when I'm bored, happy, sad, hungry, I keep eating even if I’m full. When I was at my lowest weight of 150 Ibs I had a lot of wheat bran with my cereal, and found that it helped keep me…
  • you repeated what the guy above you said... sorry couldn't resist
  • I know i'm not a guy, but I clicked on this forum out of curiosity, anyway just wanted to say your message made me giggle, I just became a vegetarian two days ago and it is one of the hardest things i've ever had to go through. I made several attempts in the past to eliminate meat out of my diet but always found myself…
  • Hi, I would also like to join, and was wondering if I could be on the same team as spraypainter thanks!