Tried to eat more it does not work



  • Eating more just means you have 5-6 small meals through out the day, it helps keep your metabolism from slowing down. However, those meals need to be of the healthy variety and not saturated in unhealthy fats, but you also need to make sure that you're exercising regularly. Cutting down calories will help but eventually you'll hit a plateau it's about finding a balance between exercise and choosing the right foods. Some people myself included have tried to lose weight just by cutting calories alone without the exercise and that never works. It's really simple if you eat healthy, and you exercise on a regular basis you will eventually lose the weight, there are no quick fixes and it took me a while to finally accept that realization.

    Best of luck on your weight loss!
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.

    WOW a little cookie once in a while that is so bad out of all the good food throughout the day..

    Tania, you are eating 1200 calories a day and burning most of the calories off. You cannot afford to eat treats at that calorie level (every day, by the way, not once in a while). At 1200 calories, you food has to be all good nutritious food. If you blow 400 calories on cookies, you won't get enough nutrients in the remaining allowance.

    What the hell l do not eat 400 calories on cookies at all.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    Why do you people keep posting she doesn't want help. In 6 months to a year she will be back, If she doesn't completely give up, begging for someone to help her.

    Stop answering her and let the thread die along with her motivation to be successful when the losses stop coming for her completely.

    You're right, there's no point.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Eating more just means you have 5-6 small meals through out the day, it helps keep your metabolism from slowing down. However, those meals need to be of the healthy variety and not saturated in unhealthy fats, but you also need to make sure that you're exercising regularly. Cutting down calories will help but eventually you'll hit a plateau it's about finding a balance between exercise and choosing the right foods. Some people myself included have tried to lose weight just by cutting calories alone without the exercise and that never works. It's really simple if you eat healthy, and you exercise on a regular basis you will eventually lose the weight, there are no quick fixes and it took me a while to finally accept that realization.

    Best of luck on your weight loss!

    Thanks for that..I will take this into account..
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Starvation never works. If you want to lose weight it must be done the right way. If you were losing weight starving, I can bet you it wasn't much fat that you were losing. It's also never wise to become attached to the number on the scale. Take measurements. And don't fall for stupid fads.

    I have loss so far from my waist 20cms... I am now fitting into a size 12 jeans which l brought the another day and l have not been a size 12 for over 6 years now..So l am losing ins.
    Here's the thing - you will do whatever you make your mind up to do. You know this because you run 2 businesses successfully and take care of your kids as a single mom. So if you make up your mind to do something, you will find a way to do it. Right?

    You will get smaller by starving yourself. But you won't be healthy. You will rob yourself of some of the pleasure of living without the agony of starvation.

    Now let me ask you the big question. Do you believe you have to suffer just to achieve your weight loss goals - be hungry all the time, feel week, tired, with a rumbling tummy and pounding headaches because you're always hungry? OR would you prefer to have energy, feel good, eat ample amounts of junk-free, healthy meals and still achieve your weight loss goals?

    It's your choice. But if you want to quit suffering and get healthy, you have to stop being so stubborn and start changing the way you approach your own habits. Otherwise, why even bother posting a comment about "tried to eat more it does not work" -- which are exaggerated claims because I did a whole spreadsheet on your diet and you are seriously doing bad things to your metabolism.

    Personally, I hurt for you. Someone I love also believed starvation was the only way to lose weight, and I know the emotional and physical pain this mindset brings. I hope you stop thinking about the numbers on the scale and start thinking about giving your body what it needs to become healthy.

    But to be brutally honest - I'm not holding my breath.
  • silverbullet07
    silverbullet07 Posts: 100 Member
    Yes there is a lot of controversy about that topic but as long as you fat % is hig enough it can be done. I use a body composition analyzer and with my workouts I know I'm getting stronger.

    So I am assuming this is a bioimpadence machine (like a hand held device)? If so, they are fairly inaccurate as mine says I am 10% body fat some days an 13% other days. But body calipers have consistently told me 12%. I would look to get body calipers to test your fat.

    Also, don't confuse strength with more lean body mass. I have added a lot of strength (meaning my muscles have become more efficient at lifting weight).

    So far I've lost 6 in from my stomach and dropped 3 pants sizes. I've lost 2" from my neck and 4 " from my chest.. So, I would say I have lost a lot of fat.. This has been done in 3 months. I started at 260 and now at 220.. I was doing 1200 gross calories and then burning at least 700 calories and not eating them net was any where around 500 .

    For the last few weeks I've been focused on heavy weight and doing more bike riding and I can tell my body needed more calories ,so I upped them to 1600-1900 depending on my burn. You body will tell you what you need and everyone is different.

    I'm sure as more fat I loose I will continue to up them. By the way my BMR is around 2200
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.

    Not only someone who refuses to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, but someone that gets angry and upset when they come on here and find its not an echo chamber.

    She obviously knows something is wrong, but doesnt want to hear the truth. Which is fine, it's her prerogative. But its insulting to everyone else, especially those in this thread who have worked hard to help her, for her to have this attitude of "I don't care and you can't make me nyah nyah"

    Not sure what you are on about..I have no problems with listening to people and what they have to say.It is people like you who have a attitude that l have a problem with.

    I only eat a healthy diet thanks.

    You can think I have an attitude if it makes you feel better, that is fine with me. I only care aout getting it through to you, that you're not being healthy, and that in the long run you're doing your body harm. As a fellow mother and business owner, I know what it's like to raise kids and have to work a lot. I also know that I did it wrong for 10 years working my way up from 175 overweight to 250 lbs obese person by doing just what your doing.

    I also know I finally "got it" and started eating healthy, but eating more, and lost 102 lbs this way, steady, 2lb a week, without fail, all but twice, which both times, I inadvertently took the cals too low both times. Bumped them back up and was losing again within days.

    You can choose not to listen, but obviously you want some help, or you'd have been ignoring the thread long ago. You wouldn't have started the thread if you thought you were doing it all right. Youd be losing weight if what you did was working. Why the fear? Why not just embrace a new appproach, give it some time and if it doesn't work, then onto the next?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Yes there is a lot of controversy about that topic but as long as you fat % is hig enough it can be done. I use a body composition analyzer and with my workouts I know I'm getting stronger.

    So I am assuming this is a bioimpadence machine (like a hand held device)? If so, they are fairly inaccurate as mine says I am 10% body fat some days an 13% other days. But body calipers have consistently told me 12%. I would look to get body calipers to test your fat.

    Also, don't confuse strength with more lean body mass. I have added a lot of strength (meaning my muscles have become more efficient at lifting weight).

    So far I've lost 6 in from my stomach and dropped 3 pants sizes. I've lost 2" from my neck and 4 " from my chest.. So, I would say I have lost a lot of fat.. This has been done in 3 months. I started at 260 and now at 220.. I was doing 1200 gross calories and then burning at least 700 calories and not eating them net was any where around 500 .

    For the last few weeks I've been focused on heavy weight and doing more bike riding and I can tell my body needed more calories ,so I upped them to 1600-1900 depending on my burn. You body will tell you what you need and everyone is different.

    I'm sure as more fat I loose I will continue to up them. By the way my BMR is around 2200

    Thanks for this l will be looking into this one..I do agree with what you have said very much. As l gone down 3 sizes and lost a lot of ins in the time..

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
    bump! im interested
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Don't knock yourselves out trying to "die on this hill."

    The same plans does not produce the same results in weight loss for everyone- share your experiences and if a poster does not like it - so be it. IT is a recommendation or experience sharing (albeit most times on MFP it seems the answer to everything is "eat more" without any further investigation - more like a program bombing of a plan rather than support.)

    I also eat below my BMR like the other poster. I did 20 years ago when I lost 87 lbs in about 120 days on weight watchers and. It did not stay off - not because I lost my metabolism, but because I lost my motivation (only did daily cardio and was not happy with being skinny fat when I hit goal) - and it came back because I did not stop shoving lots of wonderful things in my mouth over years. That simple. I don't need an excuse of a "slowed metabolism" to blame for weight gain. I know where it came from. This time doing it a bit different and doing resistance training and already liking what I am seeing.

    And plateaus can happen whether you are in a sub BMR eating plan or a BMR min plan. The secret is recognizing it (and no, a week or two stall is not a plateau) and then trying something when you recognize it.
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I have a serious question for the OP:

    What is your plan once you reach your goal weight? Do you plan on your calories in to equal the calories you burn by exercising? (I'm using the information you presented earlier, how you need to burn 500 more calories by exercise than you consume, to be at a deficit). :smile:
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.

    Not only someone who refuses to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, but someone that gets angry and upset when they come on here and find its not an echo chamber.

    She obviously knows something is wrong, but doesnt want to hear the truth. Which is fine, it's her prerogative. But its insulting to everyone else, especially those in this thread who have worked hard to help her, for her to have this attitude of "I don't care and you can't make me nyah nyah"

    But why are people being so hard on her. If this is her belief no one will change her mind. And if she feels she is healthy than that is her issue. If she wants to lose her weight her way it does not affect you. You are not responsible for her and she was just stating in her opinion the eating more does not help her and that she is going back to eating less. I cannot control her eating, I can only control mine. I watch my calories and yes there is junk food on my page. In fact I had jelly beans today, I make sure I eat more than 1200 calories and some of my exercise calories, and have lost weight. I am sure that my diary and exercise and opinion have no bearing on what you would eat either.
  • betternowthanlater
    betternowthanlater Posts: 34 Member
    Eating more or not eating more... It all really is a science. I am being medically supervised and they have me increasing slowly. My metabolic rate is ok but not where it should be, so if I eat like it is where it's supposed to be, I won't lose anything. They started me at 1300 and have since moved me to 1400. My RMR is only 1562.

    So you really need to listen to your body. Everyone is different internally.

    Good luck.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.

    Not only someone who refuses to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, but someone that gets angry and upset when they come on here and find its not an echo chamber.

    She obviously knows something is wrong, but doesnt want to hear the truth. Which is fine, it's her prerogative. But its insulting to everyone else, especially those in this thread who have worked hard to help her, for her to have this attitude of "I don't care and you can't make me nyah nyah"

    But why are people being so hard on her. If this is her belief no one will change her mind. And if she feels she is healthy than that is her issue. If she wants to lose her weight her way it does not affect you. You are not responsible for her and she was just stating in her opinion the eating more does not help her and that she is going back to eating less. I cannot control her eating, I can only control mine. I watch my calories and yes there is junk food on my page. In fact I had jelly beans today, I make sure I eat more than 1200 calories and some of my exercise calories, and have lost weight. I am sure that my diary and exercise and opinion have no bearing on what you would eat either.

    But you didn't make a post publicly declaring that a method of weightloss that DIDN'T work for you didn't work for you and kick up a massive stink when other people had opinions on it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Don't knock yourselves out trying to "die on this hill."

    The same plans does not produce the same results in weight loss for everyone- share your experiences and if a poster does not like it - so be it. IT is a recommendation or experience sharing (albeit most times on MFP it seems the answer to everything is "eat more" without any further investigation - more like a program bombing of a plan rather than support.)

    I also eat below my BMR like the other poster. I did 20 years ago when I lost 87 lbs in about 120 days on weight watchers and. It did not stay off - not because I lost my metabolism, but because I lost my motivation (only did daily cardio and was not happy with being skinny fat when I hit goal) - and it came back because I did not stop shoving lots of wonderful things in my mouth over years. That simple. I don't need an excuse of a "slowed metabolism" to blame for weight gain. I know where it came from. This time doing it a bit different and doing resistance training and already liking what I am seeing.

    And plateaus can happen whether you are in a sub BMR eating plan or a BMR min plan. The secret is recognizing it (and no, a week or two stall is not a plateau) and then trying something when you recognize it.

    Thanks for that l do agree with this very much..
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.

    Not only someone who refuses to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, but someone that gets angry and upset when they come on here and find its not an echo chamber.

    She obviously knows something is wrong, but doesnt want to hear the truth. Which is fine, it's her prerogative. But its insulting to everyone else, especially those in this thread who have worked hard to help her, for her to have this attitude of "I don't care and you can't make me nyah nyah"

    But why are people being so hard on her. If this is her belief no one will change her mind. And if she feels she is healthy than that is her issue. If she wants to lose her weight her way it does not affect you. You are not responsible for her and she was just stating in her opinion the eating more does not help her and that she is going back to eating less. I cannot control her eating, I can only control mine. I watch my calories and yes there is junk food on my page. In fact I had jelly beans today, I make sure I eat more than 1200 calories and some of my exercise calories, and have lost weight. I am sure that my diary and exercise and opinion have no bearing on what you would eat either.

  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I have a serious question for the OP:

    What is your plan once you reach your goal weight? Do you plan on your calories in to equal the calories you burn by exercising? (I'm using the information you presented earlier, how you need to burn 500 more calories by exercise than you consume, to be at a deficit). :smile:

    I plan on eating around 2200 calories once up at my goal weight, but will not be doing it all in one go will slowly eat more everyday to get the the calories goal.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    People have insulted her appearance, implied that she has mental health issues (not that should be something to make fun of anyway), and posted pictures to demonstrate how dumb she is. People have talked like she isn't even reading the thread about how she'll be back and not lose weight. Given some of the posts, I actually think she's been incredibly classy.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    People have insulted her appearance, implied that she has mental health issues (not that should be something to make fun of anyway), and posted pictures to demonstrate how dumb she is. People have talked like she isn't even reading the thread about how she'll be back and not lose weight. Given some of the posts, I actually think she's been incredibly classy.

    Thank you for that. As l think my appearance is very sexy now to what l was and l have never had a mental health issues..and yes l am not dumb when l am able too run two business and have 3 kids all on my own without any help from family, friends at all. So l am a very stronger person and loving myself very much..

    God bless you..