Tried to eat more it does not work



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Yes there is a lot of controversy about that topic but as long as you fat % is hig enough it can be done. I use a body composition analyzer and with my workouts I know I'm getting stronger.

    So I am assuming this is a bioimpadence machine (like a hand held device)? If so, they are fairly inaccurate as mine says I am 10% body fat some days an 13% other days. But body calipers have consistently told me 12%. I would look to get body calipers to test your fat.

    Also, don't confuse strength with more lean body mass. I have added a lot of strength (meaning my muscles have become more efficient at lifting weight).
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    OMG! Some of you were really mean in these post. I teach 13 year old and they had more manners. That is so not cool. That being said, are any of you on here posting (and demand you are right) a doctor??? Just curious... I do see a doctor to follow my weightloss and she told me NOT NOT NOT to eat the workout calories. So I am wondering why she would tell me that. I even printed out the last round of arguements on here and took them to her and asked her what I should do. She again told me not to eat over the calories and to eat every 2 hours. She said that it will burn the fat and my metabolism will be fine as long as I eat something (an apple, peanut butter toast etc) every two hours. So unless one of you are a doctor (not a nurse but a doctor) then maybe we should not pass out advice until we have spoken to our own doctor. Then maybe we could all be a little nicer. WE are here for support and understanding not to be harassed or hurt.

    Most Physician's are not trained in nutrition at least not in the manner necessary to direct the diet of an avid dieter. They would send you to a dietitian or exercise specialist. I will trust my doctor for matters of his specific field but will go to specialists for things out of his field. Cardiologists know hearts, Vascular Surgeons know blood vessels, and Dietitians know diets for the average person. I would ask a Sports Medicine MD for a referral to someone for dietary health.

    As a Nutrition Science major, I can say this is completely true. My professors have told us again and again that doctors spend very little time learning about nutrition. The average number of hours spend on nutrition in medical school is about 20, where as a dietician will have a far deeper knowledge and understand the importance of individualizing diets. Nutrition is a field that is constantly evolving, and a dietician is more likely to be up to date.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm on my iPhone right now.
    Can someone from my Feed The Machine Group post my lInk to figuring this stuff out?

    It's on my profile btw.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm on my iPhone right now.
    Can someone from my Feed The Machine Group post my lInk to figuring this stuff out?

    It's on my profile btw.

    Not in the group, but hey, it's a slow day...
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I'm on my iPhone right now.
    Can someone from my Feed The Machine Group post my lInk to figuring this stuff out?

    It's on my profile btw.

    i presume you mean this one:

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm on my iPhone right now.
    Can someone from my Feed The Machine Group post my lInk to figuring this stuff out?

    It's on my profile btw.

    Not in the group, but hey, it's a slow day...

    You still haven't received an invite???
    I'll have someone grab you today!
    WB BTW!
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    OMG! Some of you were really mean in these post. I teach 13 year old and they had more manners. That is so not cool. That being said, are any of you on here posting (and demand you are right) a doctor??? Just curious... I do see a doctor to follow my weightloss and she told me NOT NOT NOT to eat the workout calories. So I am wondering why she would tell me that. I even printed out the last round of arguements on here and took them to her and asked her what I should do. She again told me not to eat over the calories and to eat every 2 hours. She said that it will burn the fat and my metabolism will be fine as long as I eat something (an apple, peanut butter toast etc) every two hours. So unless one of you are a doctor (not a nurse but a doctor) then maybe we should not pass out advice until we have spoken to our own doctor. Then maybe we could all be a little nicer. WE are here for support and understanding not to be harassed or hurt.

    Most Physician's are not trained in nutrition at least not in the manner necessary to direct the diet of an avid dieter. They would send you to a dietitian or exercise specialist. I will trust my doctor for matters of his specific field but will go to specialists for things out of his field. Cardiologists know hearts, Vascular Surgeons know blood vessels, and Dietitians know diets for the average person. I would ask a Sports Medicine MD for a referral to someone for dietary health.

    As a Nutrition Science major, I can say this is completely true. My professors have told us again and again that doctors spend very little time learning about nutrition. The average number of hours spend on nutrition in medical school is about 20, where as a dietician will have a far deeper knowledge and understand the importance of individualizing diets. Nutrition is a field that is constantly evolving, and a dietician is more likely to be up to date.

    Thanks, as an ICU Rn I work with lots of great doctors but they all openly admit that they do not specialize in nutrition. Some say they never looked at nutrition after the 2nd year of school. Many are overweight from their lifestyles and are also seeking help. If I go to someone I will go to someone here that has lost large amounts of weight and has successfully toned as well, I will also seek a specialist in sports nutrition if necessary to aid me in attaining my goals!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I'm on my iPhone right now.
    Can someone from my Feed The Machine Group post my lInk to figuring this stuff out?

    It's on my profile btw.

    Not in the group, but hey, it's a slow day...

    You still haven't received an invite???
    I'll have someone grab you today!
    WB BTW!

    i sent the invite
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    I've spent the past year and a half working on getting healthy. The majority of that time has been devoted to improving my metabolism. Is 55 pounds in 18 months slow? Yeah, but I'm at the point where I'm comfortably eating ~1,800-2,000 cal/day. That's the range I want to be in for the rest of my life -> living the lifestyle of the fit person I want to be. I have enough energy to do the things that I want to do, and I'm getting the vitamins, minerals and nutrients I need to keep improving my health in other areas.

    Calories and weight loss do not have a linear relationship. There is a target zone that you need to hit to optimize your health. Health. Notice I'm not saying weight loss. You can cut off a leg and loss weight. The goal is to alter your body composition, and improve organ function.

    At least those are my goals...
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    The eyes say it all, I think. Hollow, dull, lifeless...?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I ate under calories for years, first two I lost weight, the next five I gained over 100lbs. So you will enjoy weight loss for a couple of years but be warned your body might not be able to handle it in the long term. You won't get enough nutrients your body will start to fail, I'm saying this out of experience rather than just coming on to be mean. I started eating more as of the end of January, it's taken a couple of months for my body to start to adjust, then it starts to come off slowly, now it's coming off quicker. You know it all depends, you say you are eating more but are you filling it up with junk or is it all healthy foods. Are you going over in other areas like carbs, fat, sodium?

    I do not go over in any area only protein as l eat a high protein diet
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I ate under calories for years, first two I lost weight, the next five I gained over 100lbs. So you will enjoy weight loss for a couple of years but be warned your body might not be able to handle it in the long term. You won't get enough nutrients your body will start to fail, I'm saying this out of experience rather than just coming on to be mean. I started eating more as of the end of January, it's taken a couple of months for my body to start to adjust, then it starts to come off slowly, now it's coming off quicker. You know it all depends, you say you are eating more but are you filling it up with junk or is it all healthy foods. Are you going over in other areas like carbs, fat, sodium?

    I do not go over in any area only protein as l eat a high protein diet

    And by the "logic of conventional wisdom" you should be losing weight yes?

    But youre not.

    It's been specifically asked, are you working out 3x a day?

    So youre doing things the way you want to, eating less and less and less until you're netting literally almost nothing, but it's not working. You also claim though I don't think you've given it near long enough, that eating more isn't working. So instead of starting a thread in which you accuse the people of trying to help of subterfuge by saying "it doesn't work" when clearly so many have had it work, maybe try something else? Why the "give up" attitude?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I agree with you!!! I was told the same thing because I range anywhere from 1000-1200 a day and I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week. When I eat more I don't do so well. Everyone is different and I'm not going to force myself to eat just to get over 1200 calories. That's crazy to me. Your body has a way of telling you to eat hungry so if your not feeling it don't do it.

    THIS!!!! I totally agree with this statement. I was just telling my husband this last night. I ate a cup and a half of homemade chili with a piece of cornbread, and was stuffed, yet I was still shy almost 350 cals. I told him I was so full from my meal why should I overstuff myself? It seems to be working for me as well, as I am down 25 lbs in 9 weeks.

    I have told me daughter that everyone on here is telling me to eat more but l too am stuffed and my daughter said will don't make your self eat if you are not hungry and l agree with her l eat when l am hungry and when my body tells me too. But l do eat about every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member

    I have told me daughter that everyone on here is telling me to eat more but l too am stuffed and my daughter said will don't make your self eat if you are not hungry and l agree with her l eat when l am hungry and when my body tells me too. But l do eat about every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

    Are you not worried about the message you're sending your children, even if you won't be healthy for yourself?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you for posting this! People keep telling me to eat more but I can't lose weight when I do. I decided awhile back that everyone is entitled to their opinion but I'm listening to my body.

    Thanks so much for that. I have lose over the last 6 months 38lbs and it has been a slow loss. Not a quick loss were l will put it all back on..
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I was eating more food as everyone was telling me to do so. But l have not loss any weight in the last 3 weeks by eating more. So now l am going back to eating under 1200 cals a day as l was losing the weight then without any problems.

    I think you do really need to listen to your body and that will let you know if you need more fuel or not.

    I read through all your posts.... I'm not going to offer you any advice as its already been given. As someone who has experienced the need to eat more... you are wrong.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    I am not sure what you are on, but l am not killing myself.

    I have been to Jenny Craig and they had me on 1200 calories a day with 1 hour of exercise..

    Doing the same as if l was still with Jenny Craig

    I am fit and very health by all blood test done and a full check up with my doctor..

    Did Jennie Craig have you eating half your calories as junk food, or was it nutritious food?
    did they have you exercising 2-3 hours a day?

    Sorry, but you're not doing the same as if you were still with JC.

    THANK YOU...I AGREE:flowerforyou:



    Why don't you come here and see for yourself if you think l need to BS you. I ran 2 business. One is royal domestic cleaners and the another is a shop on the net hotdesigns, thanks.

    You are just jealous of what l am able to do as a single mother.....
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Starvation never works. If you want to lose weight it must be done the right way. If you were losing weight starving, I can bet you it wasn't much fat that you were losing. It's also never wise to become attached to the number on the scale. Take measurements. And don't fall for stupid fads.

    I have loss so far from my waist 20cms... I am now fitting into a size 12 jeans which l brought the another day and l have not been a size 12 for over 6 years now..So l am losing ins.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    I have told me daughter that everyone on here is telling me to eat more but l too am stuffed and my daughter said will don't make your self eat if you are not hungry and l agree with her l eat when l am hungry and when my body tells me too. But l do eat about every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

    Are you not worried about the message you're sending your children, even if you won't be healthy for yourself?

    What the hell. I am not sending any message to my children only to eat healthy and that is what we do here eat healthy and no junk food.