Tried to eat more it does not work



  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I think you guys need to relax a little, I have looked at her diary too. I think her exercise is wayyy over rated so I don't think she is "starving herself" per say...

    Example. last Sunday, she put in her exercise diary she did 30 day shred 3x, she may have hit enter 3x because of internet connection etc, but I highly doubt she did it 3x in one day....

    Before you make judgement calls on someone's diary, actually look at the dang thing... and don't just take "1067 calories burned" for face value..... a little sugar goes WAYYYYYYYYY further than vinegar...

    OP: did you actually do the Jillian Michaels workout 3 times on Sunday ?

    Yes l do it 3x's a day everyday l do walking a lot everyday as l do not own a car so if l need to go anywhere l have to walk..

    Why would l need to lie to myself about the workout l do?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I think you guys need to relax a little, I have looked at her diary too. I think her exercise is wayyy over rated so I don't think she is "starving herself" per say...

    Example. last Sunday, she put in her exercise diary she did 30 day shred 3x, she may have hit enter 3x because of internet connection etc, but I highly doubt she did it 3x in one day....

    Before you make judgement calls on someone's diary, actually look at the dang thing... and don't just take "1067 calories burned" for face value..... a little sugar goes WAYYYYYYYYY further than vinegar...

    OP: did you actually do the Jillian Michaels workout 3 times on Sunday ?

    Yes l do it 3x's a day everyday l do walking a lot everyday as l do not own a car so if l need to go anywhere l have to l would be burning more calories then l really log in..

    Why would l need to lie to myself about the workout l do?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I am sure others will add. You may not be losing weight because you are not drinking enough water. I really have this problem in the winter. And, a pound is 3,500 calories. If you maintain your activity, when you eat 3,500 less calories than you burn, you will lose one pound. That is simple math. Truth is, you don't simply want to loss weight. You want to learn to eat healthy and live right. That is the ultimate goal. So, eating 500 less calories than you burn will have you lose a pound a week. Eating 1,000 less calories will have you lose 2 pounds a week. On Biggest Loser, they lose 10 pounds a week. Yep, you figured it out, they are burning 5,000 more calories a day than they are consuming. I wouldn't do this without a doctor and proper vitamins. But, they have the doctors, the trainers and the dietitians to help them. For the rest of us: eat healthy, burn more than you eat, drink water and exercise. I totally agree with this post l have just seen..and l will be doing want this does say

    I believe this and will go alone with this..
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I was eating more food as everyone was telling me to do so. But l have not loss any weight in the last 3 weeks by eating more. So now l am going back to eating under 1200 cals a day as l was losing the weight then without any problems.

    I think you do really need to listen to your body and that will let you know if you need more fuel or not.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I am sure others will add. You may not be losing weight because you are not drinking enough water. I really have this problem in the winter. And, a pound is 3,500 calories. If you maintain your activity, when you eat 3,500 less calories than you burn, you will lose one pound. That is simple math. Truth is, you don't simply want to loss weight. You want to learn to eat healthy and live right. That is the ultimate goal. So, eating 500 less calories than you burn will have you lose a pound a week. Eating 1,000 less calories will have you lose 2 pounds a week. On Biggest Loser, they lose 10 pounds a week. Yep, you figured it out, they are burning 5,000 more calories a day than they are consuming. I wouldn't do this without a doctor and proper vitamins. But, they have the doctors, the trainers and the dietitians to help them. For the rest of us: eat healthy, burn more than you eat, drink water and exercise. I totally agree with this post l have just seen..and l will be doing want this does say

    I believe this and will go alone with this..

    But where will your brain and organs get the glucose from to make ATP to perform vital functions (i.e. smooth muscle contraction) when you will use it all up in your skeletal muscles in your workouts?
  • I agree with you!!! I was told the same thing because I range anywhere from 1000-1200 a day and I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week. When I eat more I don't do so well. Everyone is different and I'm not going to force myself to eat just to get over 1200 calories. That's crazy to me. Your body has a way of telling you to eat hungry so if your not feeling it don't do it.

    Thanks for that l agree..I do eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day so l am keeping my body in fuel so that l do not burn out and l am very fit and on the go all day long with 3 kids and work to keep me busy and l am very happy eating around 1200 or least.

    I am not going to eat the calories that l am burning l find that not right, why burn calories if you are only going to eat them back?

    ...because it speeds up your metabolism. and eating less than 1200 NET can severely mess up your body and deprive it of vitamins and nutrients.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    OMG! Some of you were really mean in these post. I teach 13 year old and they had more manners. That is so not cool. That being said, are any of you on here posting (and demand you are right) a doctor??? Just curious... I do see a doctor to follow my weightloss and she told me NOT NOT NOT to eat the workout calories. So I am wondering why she would tell me that. I even printed out the last round of arguements on here and took them to her and asked her what I should do. She again told me not to eat over the calories and to eat every 2 hours. She said that it will burn the fat and my metabolism will be fine as long as I eat something (an apple, peanut butter toast etc) every two hours. So unless one of you are a doctor (not a nurse but a doctor) then maybe we should not pass out advice until we have spoken to our own doctor. Then maybe we could all be a little nicer. WE are here for support and understanding not to be harassed or hurt.

    Most Physician's are not trained in nutrition at least not in the manner necessary to direct the diet of an avid dieter. They would send you to a dietitian or exercise specialist. I will trust my doctor for matters of his specific field but will go to specialists for things out of his field. Cardiologists know hearts, Vascular Surgeons know blood vessels, and Dietitians know diets for the average person. I would ask a Sports Medicine MD for a referral to someone for dietary health.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Here is a lady who is a single parent, stressy life, 3 children she is responsible for

    Interesting use of the word 'responsible'. OP, you have a family who will want you to live and be healthy for as long as possible. Don't leave them with a mother in low health just for the sake of fast weight loss.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member

  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Here is a lady who is a single parent, stressy life, 3 children she is responsible for

    Interesting use of the word 'responsible'. OP, you have a family who will want you to live and be healthy for as long as possible. Don't leave them with a mother in low health just for the sake of fast weight loss.

    I am very responsible thanks..I have gave up smoking to be there for my kids and now eating health and l feel so much stronger within myself then l was before. I am able to ran around at the park with the kids, not just sit there and watch them play, plus l jog along when they ride their bikes..So l am not leaving my kids with a mother with low health at all just for weight loss this is about health not just the lose
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member


    Because l love the feel it gives me and it has made me a lot stronger then l was before exercising.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    1 hour a day should be enough

    honestly i wouldn't have time for that much exercise
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    You've received a lot of good advice on this thread. I hope you're able to take it all under consideration and do whats best for your long term health.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    1 hour a day should be enough

    honestly i wouldn't have time for that much exercise

    It is easy to find time for any exercise. In the morning at 5am l will do 1 hour and then in the afternoon just before dinner for a 1 hour while the kids are having there bath and dinner is cooking. Plus the 30 minute walk to school then the walk back home. And all the anther walking I do as do not own a car. So always on the go. You learn to work around kids and work to get health for yourself and make the time by getting up early if you have too.
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
    I was eating 1000-1200 for 4 years. A year ago, my weight loss slowed down to a halt. I was essentially losing and gaining back the same few pounds.

    With much help from members on this board, I raised my calories to 1400 NET two weeks ago. It was scary, but I made a promise to myself that whatever the scales said I would keep going for a month.

    Almost immediately I felt slimmer. I no longer felt bloated. Within 3 days, I started to feel hungry, as in, my tummy started growling before meal times and before breakfast. I hadnt felt hunger like this in years. Still the scales stayed the same. But my clothes began to feel looser and my face looked slimmer. I'm only talking about two weeks here, remember. My stomach became flatter too - before, it looked distended.

    And when I stop losing, I shall increase my calories further as I know I cannot gain weight if I eat under my TDEE. My BMR is 1429 although it's probably much lower in reality as I've been under-eating for so many years,

    I have more energy. Last week, I wiped a whole 30 minutes off my half marathon distance and yesterday, I completed a cross country and extremely hilly marathon.

    This week, I dropped 1.5 pounds. The next day I dropped another pound. I am now into "new territory" - as in, I am now losing fresh new pounds.

    I cannot believe I'm writing this. I would have firmly been in the "1200 or bust" camp but I knew my metabolism was so slow and I was feeling cold all the time.

    Try it. Just for a month. And if you get no results try increasing by another 100 per day. Surely it's worth the investment of 2 short months isn't it?

    But make sure you keep exercising and eating those extra calories with good stuff.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    1 hour a day should be enough

    honestly i wouldn't have time for that much exercise

    It is easy to find time for any exercise. In the morning at 5am l will do 1 hour and then in the afternoon just before dinner for a 1 hour while the kids are having there bath and dinner is cooking. Plus the 30 minute walk to school then the walk back home. And all the anther walking I do as do not own a car. So always on the go. You learn to work around kids and work to get health for yourself and make the time by getting up early if you have too.

    i think u are pushing your self a little hard:flowerforyou:
    that is where the eating more comes in ...if you are going ot push your body that hard you need to fuel it
    with all theother walking u do, 1 hour a day workouts should be enough if you only eat 1200 calories a day
    how much sleep do you get???:yawn:
    sleep is a big thing for me... i work 3rd shift...i am at work now
    i workout when i get home in teh morns and then i fall in bed:bigsmile:
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    1 hour a day should be enough

    honestly i wouldn't have time for that much exercise

    It is easy to find time for any exercise. In the morning at 5am l will do 1 hour and then in the afternoon just before dinner for a 1 hour while the kids are having there bath and dinner is cooking. Plus the 30 minute walk to school then the walk back home. And all the anther walking I do as do not own a car. So always on the go. You learn to work around kids and work to get health for yourself and make the time by getting up early if you have too.

    i think u are pushing your self a little hard:flowerforyou:
    that is where the eating more comes in ...if you are going ot push your body that hard you need to fuel it
    with all theother walking u do, 1 hour a day workouts should be enough if you only eat 1200 calories a day
    how much sleep do you get???:yawn:
    sleep is a big thing for me... i work 3rd shift...i am at work now
    i workout when i get home in teh morns and then i fall in bed:bigsmile:

    Me l sleep 8 hours a night.

    I work 2 jobs and have 3 kids all on my own. I know l am doing a great job and really loving after myself and my health.
  • I was eating 1000-1200 for 4 years. A year ago, my weight loss slowed down to a halt. I was essentially losing and gaining back the same few pounds.

    With much help from members on this board, I raised my calories to 1400 NET two weeks ago. It was scary, but I made a promise to myself that whatever the scales said I would keep going for a month.

    Almost immediately I felt slimmer. I no longer felt bloated. Within 3 days, I started to feel hungry, as in, my tummy started growling before meal times and before breakfast. I hadnt felt hunger like this in years. Still the scales stayed the same. But my clothes began to feel looser and my face looked slimmer. I'm only talking about two weeks here, remember. My stomach became flatter too - before, it looked distended.

    And when I stop losing, I shall increase my calories further as I know I cannot gain weight if I eat under my TDEE. My BMR is 1429 although it's probably much lower in reality as I've been under-eating for so many years,

    I have more energy. Last week, I wiped a whole 30 minutes off my half marathon distance and yesterday, I completed a cross country and extremely hilly marathon.

    This week, I dropped 1.5 pounds. The next day I dropped another pound. I am now into "new territory" - as in, I am now losing fresh new pounds.

    I cannot believe I'm writing this. I would have firmly been in the "1200 or bust" camp but I knew my metabolism was so slow and I was feeling cold all the time.

    Try it. Just for a month. And if you get no results try increasing by another 100 per day. Surely it's worth the investment of 2 short months isn't it?

    But make sure you keep exercising and eating those extra calories with good stuff.
    bump! :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Shes killing herself!
    The human body can only lose so much fat in any given day/week/month etc....

    Reasons why you havent lost weight....

    1) hormones!
    Leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, testosterone......
    Everything is screwed up.
    If you are depressed cortisol could be running rampant.

    2) overtraining and inflammation.
    You work out too hard so your body is trying very hard to repair itself before you workout again.
    It isnt getting the nutrients it needs so on a hormonal level it starts trying to slow you down.
    cortisol goes up...lean mass is used as fuel etc...

    3) You dont eat enough to lose the proper weight.
    The body is maintaining fat mass while burning little amounts of lean mass for fuel.
    This is where you start seeing that "Skinny-Fat"
    Youll look good in clothing but pretty bad naked.

    Proper dieting is 70% diet, 20% sleep and 10% workout.
    So eat, sleep and workout.
    In that order.



    And be sure not to complain about the skinny fat look later.

    If you need help on this subject check the link on my profile.
    Its public.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No one gets fat on 1000 cals a day. If you aren't losing weight and you are netting under 1000, you are either lying about what you eat or, I can't think of any other option.