Tried to eat more it does not work



  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Now that's just out of line.

    If you eat every 2-3 hours, and you're awake 16 hours a day, since you say you sleep eight, that's a total of about 1500-2000 calories you would be eating if you're having 200-300 calorie snacks and meals. What you're essentially saying is that you're eating around 100-150 calories per time you eat. And you're too full to bump that up to 150-200 calories?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Now that's just out of line.

    If you eat every 2-3 hours, and you're awake 16 hours a day, since you say you sleep eight, that's a total of about 1500-2000 calories you would be eating if you're having 200-300 calorie snacks and meals. What you're essentially saying is that you're eating around 100-150 calories per time you eat. And you're too full to bump that up to 150-200 calories?

    yeah what ever....
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Starvation never works. If you want to lose weight it must be done the right way. If you were losing weight starving, I can bet you it wasn't much fat that you were losing. It's also never wise to become attached to the number on the scale. Take measurements. And don't fall for stupid fads.

    I have loss so far from my waist 20cms... I am now fitting into a size 12 jeans which l brought the another day and l have not been a size 12 for over 6 years now..So l am losing ins.

    That is inevitable. Have you been closely tracking your lean body mass along with your BF%? If you keep up this starvation, you'll end up what they call "skinny fat' sure you'll be smaller however the ratio between LBM and fat will be all screwed up and it won't look right. I learned that the hard way... and currently I'm bulking and fixing it.

    If eating more didn't work for you, then clearly you're doing it wrong. Either that or you're so incredibly impatience you'd rather see loads of weight being dropped in such a short amount of time.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Starvation never works. If you want to lose weight it must be done the right way. If you were losing weight starving, I can bet you it wasn't much fat that you were losing. It's also never wise to become attached to the number on the scale. Take measurements. And don't fall for stupid fads.

    I have loss so far from my waist 20cms... I am now fitting into a size 12 jeans which l brought the another day and l have not been a size 12 for over 6 years now..So l am losing ins.

    That is inevitable. Have you been closely tracking your lean body mass along with your BF%? If you keep up this starvation, you'll end up what they call "skinny fat' sure you'll be smaller however the ratio between LBM and fat will be all screwed up and it won't look right. I learned that the hard way... and currently I'm bulking and fixing it.

    If eating more didn't work for you, then clearly you're doing it wrong. Either that or you're so incredibly impatience you'd rather see loads of weight being dropped in such a short amount of time.

    Unfortunately the case with a lot of people. The number on the scale has way too much value in people's estimations of their health.
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    What the hell. I am not sending any message to my children only to eat healthy and that is what we do here eat healthy and no junk food.

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Now that's just out of line.

    If you eat every 2-3 hours, and you're awake 16 hours a day, since you say you sleep eight, that's a total of about 1500-2000 calories you would be eating if you're having 200-300 calorie snacks and meals. What you're essentially saying is that you're eating around 100-150 calories per time you eat. And you're too full to bump that up to 150-200 calories?

    yeah what ever....

    And the whatever attitude is why you cant and wont lose weight. Have a great weight loss and health journey, and have a great Easter weekend!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    In writing this on the forum the way she has, she's not just making it her business. What she's said may encourage others just starting out and feeling desperate to attempt the same thing. It's irresponsible, and if she were truly satisfied that she were doing things right she wouldn't have started a thread in the first place.
  • Sweet_Caramel
    Sweet_Caramel Posts: 19 Member
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    What the hell. I am not sending any message to my children only to eat healthy and that is what we do here eat healthy and no junk food.

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.

    Not only someone who refuses to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, but someone that gets angry and upset when they come on here and find its not an echo chamber.

    She obviously knows something is wrong, but doesnt want to hear the truth. Which is fine, it's her prerogative. But its insulting to everyone else, especially those in this thread who have worked hard to help her, for her to have this attitude of "I don't care and you can't make me nyah nyah"
  • KathieSwenson
    I agree with you!!! I was told the same thing because I range anywhere from 1000-1200 a day and I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week. When I eat more I don't do so well. Everyone is different and I'm not going to force myself to eat just to get over 1200 calories. That's crazy to me. Your body has a way of telling you to eat hungry so if your not feeling it don't do it.

    Thanks for that at least someone understands.

    I gain massive weight if I eat back my exercise calories. The reason is sometimes the calories are not that accurate if I truly ony burned 100 but my HRM says 300 and I eat 300 I have ate 200 calories over. If I burn alot that day like tomorrow cleaning for the entire day. Then yeah I'll eat a little more. But not if all I did was burn 300 for that day. I will gain wait. Eating to much and not controlling it is how I got to this place in the first place.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    What the hell. I am not sending any message to my children only to eat healthy and that is what we do here eat healthy and no junk food.

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????
    Well, there's obviously a reason you put a password on your diary since starting this thread.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    So this is my problem. I like the message boards commonly, but I feel that some people are attacking this person for how she feels and how she chooses to run her profile and her diet.

    She is only responsible to herself, if she tried to eat more and she is not comfortable, then we as the public message board posters should be supportive and maybe help her find higher calorie foods so that she does not feel as though she is over eating. And maybe she truly is satisfied, no one else is in her body!

    I support anyone who is following a healthy diet -- and there are many variations on a healthy diet. I cannot support someone who is following an unhealthy diet and encouraging others to do the same.

    Not only someone who refuses to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, but someone that gets angry and upset when they come on here and find its not an echo chamber.

    She obviously knows something is wrong, but doesnt want to hear the truth. Which is fine, it's her prerogative. But its insulting to everyone else, especially those in this thread who have worked hard to help her, for her to have this attitude of "I don't care and you can't make me nyah nyah"

    Not sure what you are on about..I have no problems with listening to people and what they have to say.It is people like you who have a attitude that l have a problem with.

    I only eat a healthy diet thanks.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.

    WOW a little cookie once in a while that is so bad out of all the good food throughout the day..
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    What the hell. I am not sending any message to my children only to eat healthy and that is what we do here eat healthy and no junk food.

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????
    Well, there's obviously a reason you put a password on your diary since starting this thread.

    oh no
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.

    WOW a little cookie once in a while that is so bad out of all the good food throughout the day..

    Tania, you are eating 1200 calories a day and burning most of the calories off. You cannot afford to eat treats at that calorie level (every day, by the way, not once in a while). At 1200 calories, you food has to be all good nutritious food. If you blow 400 calories on cookies, you won't get enough nutrients in the remaining allowance.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.

    Why do you people keep posting she doesn't want help. In 6 months to a year she will be back, If she doesn't completely give up, begging for someone to help her.

    Stop answering her and let the thread die along with her motivation to be successful when the losses stop coming for her completely.