

  • I am doing the work out with my mom, which makes it a lot easier. I couldn't imagine doing it by myself. I'd probably slack A LOT lol. My mom and I watched Level 2 just to see what to expect and omgggg, I am soooo nervous! There is wayy too much jumping.
  • It is hard. I have a bulging disc in my back, so it makes it kind of difficult. I am also pretty over weight. One thing that Jillian says in Level 2 that keeps me motivated is think about those skinny jeans or think about that swimming suit. Just keep yourself motivated! At first I felt like I was going to die but now it's…
  • I know, her smile kind of scares me lol. I wonder why she doesn't wear a sports bra like the other girls do.
  • I had the same problem at first. I felt like I was stuffing myself to just reach my calorie goal. I am allowed to eat 2600 to stay at my weight and 1900 to lose weight, I am allowed to eat 600 calories under the 1900 before it is considered "starving myself". You do not want to eat through out the day. It's really good to…
  • Bread is not bad at all. It does have around 100 calories per slice but it has the needed fiber in it for your diet. Try to go more towards wheat bread!
  • I feel so relieved now! I've been doing the 30 day shred for 3 days straight so far, I have a gym membership and I was worried I would be paying for it for a whole month and not even use it due to the 30 day shred at home. Thank God there is a rest day!
  • I found level 1 on YouTube, BeFit posted it so I'm pretty sure it's legal lol. Good luck to you too! It is completely worth it.
  • Thank you so much ladies. It has been a huuuge journey. Last year in February I was diagnosed with 2 herniated discs in my back that was pinching the nerve. I had to get surgery, there was no other option. I was unable to do anything. All I could feel was pain. I couldn't even pull up my pants, yet alone walk or exercise.…