

  • I think it counts, someone said substituting mio ( um that just sounds stupid). The difference between Mio and coffee and all those drink enhancers is what they are loaded with. Caffeine!!! Which means there is a whole lot of sugar! Also they are loaded with sodium which means=salt, and salt just loves to drain your body.…
  • Bob Harpers yoga dvd. my roomate brought one of his dvds home, its really good, and you see the girls struggling at times. You will feel it, and its victorious if you make it to the end. Forgot the name but i know you can find it on amazon! Good luck!
  • 1500 is alot of calories! What is your resting metabolism, find out how many calories your body would burn if you did nothing at all, and start from there. I dont know how tall you are or how much energy your body requires, but remember its diet and exercise, the only way to lose weight is to burn more than you intake.…
  • I hate running with a passion, but its a great cardiovascular workout and builds muscle and makes bones stronger. Yet still I HATE RUNNING!!!
  • Burpees are great for abs and glutes. Standing up, you come to your feet and kick them behind you, so you are in push-up/plank position, and kick then bring both your feet back to your hands and stand up. (kind of hard to explain but a great move) I know football players do this in their practices