

  • Dont forget guys that this whole program is aimed at losing body fat and building muscle without doing cardio. If your 5x5 starts to suffer because of your cardio, my advice would be to stop doing the cardio and let your body recover properly before your next workout. Also, to help with the soreness try to eat as much…
    in As We Age Comment by petchib June 2012
  • Im in my 5th week and I'm starting to feel it more on overhead presses than any other exercise. I'm pretty sure I will deload on that first, which I dont mind as thats what Mehdi said would happen if your form is correct on all exercises.
  • Military press is harder as you keep your feet and heels together, while overhead press you keep your heels about shoulder width apart, I would certainly go with overhead press and start with an empty barbell. To correctly row and get the best workout for your back you should use a barbell, start with the bar on the floor,…
  • I will download it and give it a try :)
  • I never said calories do not matter. My point was that before you start counting calories the most important thing is to eat the right kind of foods and you will not go far wrong. For example eating 1000 calories of oatmeal will have a lot different and healthier affect than eating 1000 calories of ice-cream. You are what…
  • Are any of you guys part of the StrongLifts Inner Circle?? Just wondering if its any good and what the fees are...
  • I think a cheat day could be counter-productive if every meal you have is a cheat..i.e unhealthy, plus you would feel too guilty and maybe go too far the following days to make up for it. I prefer to have cheat meals. I eat around 5-6 times a day so in theory I am allowed up to 4 cheat meals a week. Now as I'm super strict…
  • I used to eat these too till I realised how unhealthy they are, basically just full of sugar with no nutrients at all. Granola bars are something people you should cut out if they are on a strict diet plan.
  • I would keep the below exercises. Squats Deadlifts Bench press And add - Overhead press Barbell Row All are great full body exercises. If you are just starting out, use dumbells, if you eventually want to go heavy you will have to switch to a barbell.
  • I'm in my third week, loving it so far, I'm expecting big things from it!
  • Have separate days for weight training and cardio, your body can only take so much in one day. If you start to feel sick or dizzy it usually means you have done too much!
  • Tins of tuna and salmon are ideal as quick, convenient sources of good quality protein. Try adding cottage cheese to eggs (scrambled/omelette) and salads, one of my favourites is tuna and cottage cheese with a jacket potato. Drink milk regularly throughout the day. Instead of having just fruit, have it with low fat plain…
  • I eat roughly every 3-4 hours. My last meal with a high carb source in will usually be around 6-7pm. Then later on before bed it will be lean protein + veg/salad - NO major carb sources. You should not be hungry before you go to bed and if you are it is important to eat something as your body will be going through an 8…
    in last meal? Comment by petchib May 2012
  • You will only fatten up if you eat the wrong kind of foods...i.e fatty food high in saturated fat..junk food, deep fried food etc.. Try to not be too concerned with how much you eat (calories), the most important thing is to eat the right of food and eat lots of it, especially when you start lifting heavy as your body and…