

  • I just add several walks a week to the workouts. Are you on the FB Body Revolution page? https://www.facebook.com/groups/jmbodyrevolution A lot of people seem to add extra cardio to the stregnth training videos. Also most of the people report massive inches lost but not necessarily a ton of weight. It can be done though if…
  • I agree with what someone else said...you are reminding them that they are eating poorly and they feel bad about themselves. Its what's going on with THEM!! (Like when someone in a group of friends quits drinking, it makes the group question their own drinking habits.) It's hard but try not to let it bother you just stay…
  • I had this problem. It's a tough one. I went to AA for awhile and found it very, very helpful. It's hard to go the first time, but I think you'll find the people very welcoming. I think there are meetings online that you can join, I'm not sure. You're body gets physically addicted to the alcohol so try not to be too hard…