Good Luck! Maybe we can motivate eachother to stay on track! After losing more then 50lbs I found myself pregnant and fluffy again (I gained more then I lost.) I keep saying im going to do this then conveniently *forget*
^^^This is Perfect!^^^
Looks like you were 9 months job!!!
Go to bed earlier
I agree!
I had more then a couple of these in my lifetime...the last one was real needy..he even bought me a car in hopes to "change my mind" Needless to say I still have the car and he's history....OH and after me he met another girl and bought her a big pair of boobs..So I don't see it as taking advantage I think he was just…
No hair...Shaved please
I didnt see her type anywhere that she was offered a job and didn't take it because it wasn't good enough? You guys are mean she was simply asking for some ideas of things to do throughout the day to keep her occupied..Bashing her isn't cool...and like she said maybe your the one who needs to grow up.
At least you didn't shove your face with a BigMac Large fry and soda...
no you did not...smh :/
OMG your mean!!!!! LMFO...That's perfect ..I guess I can figure out why your not married to her anymore huh?
Farts gross me out..and yes even though I fart myself I never fart infront of people..That is so disguisting. It's appauling when someone farts then everyone laughs because it was "So funny" Cotton...I can not stand the feel of cotton and I think the drug companies are out to get me everytime I open a bottle and see cotton…
Beautifully put..Your awesome!
Girl be at peace!!!! You don't need a man...You have your WHOLE life for that..Do you! I sure would If I could
I know that too:) But when he's not being abusive he's very boring. I guess I got accustomed to the money..I'm in college and homeschooling my second grader...also chasing a 3 yr.old around. Right now I am not financially able to do it.. It will happen...I usually don't see hi much anyways he works ALL the time
We split up last year and I already filed divorce papers..but we got back together:( I have a year left yet to get them I better hurry huh?
Your right..It'll be easier later then now though. I have to save money..finish college and then I'll be ready..until then I'm just floating through this "relationship". And he doesn't make me feel not good enough..I know I am beautiful :)
Jerkface :) LOVE the He's def. gone, he just doesn't know it yet..but he wishes it everyday! I just figure my options will be better when I'm a little lighter..right?
No not at all..I'm not THAT bad...I just wanna replace the boring one I have with a better one..Why should I be with someone who tells me everyday how he hates me..wants me to die..always yelling infront of my children..He's not a very pleasant person even when he's sober...Therefore I am going to continue to waste his…
P.S you look fantastic!
Don't be was a fast marriage we knew eachother a month before we got's been 5 long years now..and I CANNOT wait till I leave him :)..I'm not even that big I just want more options..haha I love men shoppng, havent been able to do it since me and my husband split last :(
That'll be awesome, I've always wanted one there:)
Some things are better left unsaid:)
I hated water to..but when you only supply yourself with ONLY water you begin to tolerate it..I cut everything out but water about two months was harder for me then quitting smoking..but u can do it!
Thanks Guys!
I had my GallBladder removed when I was 19. Nuts, Oils,dairy and fatty foods are a no no
I don't go to the doctors, I always try to find a natural way to deal with things. Doctors and their medicines are full of cancers and other diseases I'm trying to prevent from getting. Also It's not just breakfast coming up...And if I only ate when hungry I would hardly have any food at all! Also everybodys talking about…