gems93 Member


  • thanks emiyduncan. yes i have thought about picture comments before too. progress pictures are the biggest inspiration and should definately be taken note of (have the option for commenting )!
  • i can see your point junken. and definately agree MFP>facebook. but sometimes acknowledgement is all that is needed. do we need a comment on every diary check in ? or every status ? me personally. i have a very small MFP friends list. 14 i think. and i am very open and close with all of them. at the moment i am struggling…
  • Haha LOVE IT !
  • no way is there 300 calories in the tuna plate. sorry. but thank you for trying to help the calculations are saying anything from 90 - 240 calories. i know 90 is too little, but even 240 seems ridiculous for the one plate. any nutritionalists or people who really know their calories able to help ?
  • p.s i am in australia. not sure if that makes a difference
  • MONDAY CHECK IN please message me if you want to be added to the private group gemma :)
  • It's Monday so its check in time. We have started a private group -'step away from that bingeing' rather than posting on the public message board. If you wish to join. Please send me a message letting me know. Gem
  • Yes Please. That would be great x
  • Monday Check In 1. Number of binges (hopefully none) 2. Triggers which set us off 3. Naughty foods we have enjoyed in moderation 4. Things that helped us through the week 5. A general statement of how your going with your weight. No specific values though please. I have had shocking week. I am at an all time low mentally -…
  • nc805397. good on you gorgeous. but remember this challenge is not about cutting out bad foods all together. its about having in moderation. why dont you plan to go to tim hortons once a week ? :) and literally put all the money you would have spent the other 4 days into a jar. then at the end of the month go out and buy…
  • today was my first day that i havnt binged in over a week. i overate this morning - which could have ended up in a binge, but i managed to stop. i skipped lunch - yes naughty i know. but had a good healthy dinner and when for a long brisk walk after. managed to stay under my calories JUST today. which is a first in weeks.…
  • Sounds Good Guys Feel free to check in for the week today - as its monday. there are 5 points to answer :)
  • Its Monday Guys 1. Number of binges (hopefully none) 2. Triggers which set us off 3. Naughty foods we have enjoyed in moderation 4. Things that helped us through the week 5. A general statement of how your going with your weight. No specific values though please. I have had a shocking 5 days - since our pledge. I am so…
  • i will do anything to stop it too ! Ok to everyone who is on this challenge, Lets all check in every monday ? 1. Number of binges (hopefully none) 2. Triggers which set us off 3. Naughty foods we have enjoyed in moderation 4. Things that helped us through the week 5. A general statement of how your going with your weight.…
  • xtinakay - thats the same with me honey. i'm good and then i just want one of something and then bam i'm gone. i've had 10 chocolates and feel sick so go to the chips. then back to the other. i cant stop either - until the point i am so physically sick i'm unable to move. its sad and so shameful. at the moment its…
  • is this the book sarah ? there are a few but some are part of a series.
  • thanks sarah. i will definately have to get that book. i am just so down now. really angry at myself. i'm meant to have lunch in half an hour. really dont want it. but i'm going to have it. i'm going to trust everyone and hope that by not starving myself tonight/tomorrow will help beat the cycle. i've put on 2 kilos in the…
  • well guys i'll be the first to admit i have failed big time. i'm sorry. its pathetic - only yesterday i swore to myself that i was finished with this ! i am honestly so ashamed and to think i am the one who created this group. i gave in and ate a lot of potato chips and a heck of a load of chocolate. i knew today would be…
  • to awkwardpear: good on you love ! yeah it can be real hard being out in public. you dont want people to think you're eating too much ... we've got a week before 2013. so i'm trying to start this now - so that i DONT screw up next year. let me know how you go too xx
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