

  • I have coffee and daily Bible reading then I exercise to DVDs for up to one hour. I have a $$ large selection to work out with. Firm, Cathe, Biggest Loser, Chris Freytag, Power 90, ETC..... I work afternoons so this works very good for me.
  • sejune, congrats on your weight loss. You are correct that as a RN your physical appearance will make a difference in peoples response to you. Keep up the good work. My son will also graduate May 2011 for RN . He needs motivated to lose weight. The medical field needs to see others that have had success for them to have…
  • Yasmine91, As soon as you can get back to exercise. That is one of my keys to not feeling like crap. Your calorie intake sounds very reasonable. I believe that calories up and down do help your metabolism to burn better. Don't go too low though because your body is fighting to set a different rate. What helps me on this…
  • I am new to the site also and turning 50 in two months. I want to make more needed changes to my eating though. I am good about working out. Working out to dvd's at home have made a differnece in my body type and calories burned. I am doing the biggest loser workouts now. My problem is my eating habits. I splurge to many…