

  • A lot of what this comes down to is learning how to use coping skills to work past the thoughts that hold you back. That plus starting slow and considering weight loss and a healthy diet/fitness as a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, not a temporary thing, will help you ease into a new life of being healthy. If you're not a fitness…
  • Have you considered doing some strength training or pilates or something using household items? I used to use soup cans for weights and look up videos on youtube for workout ideas. You don't have to just jog...and your body gets used to the same routine over and over so it stops being effective.
  • Hi, I am also a former non-runner. I did a 5k after training with the Couch to 5K training guide....you can google it...,my best to you as you prepare! It is totally worth it when you cross that finish line. :)
  • My horrible adult acne actually cleared up significantly as my diet got better. I haven't had any new breakouts, and my old ones are healing quickly. I ALSO have great energy, feel full all day long, and eat more now than I did before. :) So glad other people are seeing this awesome side effect of healthy eating. Congrats!
  • It's a lifestyle change. I got a Droid though so its way easier to log while I'm out. Or I text it to my boyfriend and do it later. :)
  • Replace the salt and sugar with honey when preparing. You'll see a huge difference.
  • Thanks so much. My best to you as well on your journey!
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