

  • Splenda is sucralose. There are studies that say your body is only able to remove about 97% of this, so after 5 days the other 3% is still there. If you're ingesting this everyday and the sucralose is building up... I can't imagine there is no consequence to this. Sugar which is sucrose, is fully recognized by the body.
  • absolutely fry your eggs in it and pop popcorn on the stove with it. It's also fantastic for you skin. I bought a 50lb. drum of it from a cannery. It's cheaper that way and coconut oil doesn't turn rancid over time.
  • The yolk is where all the nutrition is. We raise chickens and the yolks are an amazing deep orange color and so delicious. Also a couple years ago my husbands colesterol was tested and a little high. I switched us to raw milk, real butter, homemade bread, ect. We cut out toxins like store bought ice cream and pop, and I…