FemaleWriter Member


  • Anyone doing NaNo this year? This November will be my ninth attempt and hopefully seventh "win". I have 2-3 ideas floating around. The only problem I'm facing is that my writing has been stalled lately, and the ideas I have seem mostly filled with air. But, I feel up to the challenge. :)
  • I'm in the phase of planning, researching and outlining a story. I just hope it's ready to go on November 1, when I plan to start writing it. Have you started writing yet?
  • 77 days to go till NaNoWriMo ’12. I’ve done NaNoWriMo since 2005 and have won 5 times. By “won”, I mean I reached the 50,000-word threshold in time. I don’t think any of my NaNo-novels are finished. I’m hoping to participate this year with an idea that’s been bugging me since February. Usually I’m a spontaneous writer, so…
  • Genre writing. My favorite genre is speculative fiction (a mix of fantasy, horror, paranormal, romance, and science fiction).
  • Hi, I write mostly speculative fiction, but unfortunately don’t have any finished stories. Similar to my weight loss goals…I tend to lose steam or interest. I’m hoping that will change soon and that I’ll be able to finish a story and be able to stay on track to losing weight.
  • I've been here for almost 12 years and I love it.