tabithon Member


  • Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I cracked up reading your post, too funny, but I have seen a lot of questions along those lines. I agree with spammyanna, though, they could easily find the answer if they did a search. If we need to answer the question of whether or not to take a box of ex-lax before "weigh in", I don't think they have quite gotten the…
  • Bump, I want to watch how this ends up! :smile:
  • Just because you can't afford to buy the organic produce doesn't mean that you can't lose the weight. I strongly suggest the farmer's market or pick-your-own veggie places, they are great and you can get quite a bit of produce for WAY cheap. Google to find those around your area. Canned/frozen veggies aren't bad, just make…
  • I'm always looking for new okra recipes, and I can't wait to see what you guys have!
  • Congrats!! I just finished week 2 of C25K, and can't wait until I can run a full 5K. Keep up the great work!
  • I lost weight for a time eating them for dinner every night, but the sodium is killer. I didn't achieve my final weight loss until I ditched the boxed meals and started eating healthy, prepared meals. I take one entire weekend and cook, then seal the food into the portions that I will eat for dinner, and freeze. So I have…
  • No problem! I'm a huge lover of squash, every variety. I have heard that some people don't like spaghetti squash, but maybe it wasn't prepared properly...if you are willing to give it a go, try it made different ways! :smile:
  • @Faith: Spaghetti squash, while termed a "winter squash", actually grows in the spring/summer just like regular squash. Depending on the climate, it can grow all the way through the fall, which is when most people eat it. I picked my first spaghetti squash in March down in South Alabama where I live.
  • i love spaghetti squash!! It is a perfect way to eat "carbs" without all the calories! Here's one to get you started: NAME OF RECIPE: Spaghetti Squash "Taco" Meat: INGREDIENTS: 1 Spaghetti Squash 1 Red Bell Pepper, diced 1 Green Bell Pepper, diced 7-10 jalapenos (or other chilies) - I like really spicy food, so you can…