tv dinners for weight loss



  • tabithon
    tabithon Posts: 10 Member
    I lost weight for a time eating them for dinner every night, but the sodium is killer. I didn't achieve my final weight loss until I ditched the boxed meals and started eating healthy, prepared meals. I take one entire weekend and cook, then seal the food into the portions that I will eat for dinner, and freeze. So I have healthy, quick meals through the week for a month until I do it all over again. This helps keep my sodium under control, and also helped to lower my blood pressure. Just a suggestion as an alternative to tv dinners for those of us who are strapped for time during the week.
  • EmilyQC
    EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
    Well, process food is just not good for you. When we get to older age, we won't be able to eat as much and the best way to keep healthy is that every bit you eat should be nutritious food.

    To enjoy a healthier weight lose and lifestyle, try:
    * eat whole food
    * enjoy more fruit and vegetable
    * eat lean protein
    * portion size, portion size, portion size
    * exercises (especially strength training, which not great for weight lose, but help with stronger bones and less bone mass lost)

    I agree... I think that pre-packaged meals are only teaching us how to be lazy and not put effort into the food that we eat... I personally don't care for anything processed. Look up "eating clean foods" its worth it for your body to steer clear of frozen pre-made foods and learn how to use portion control instead of having someone do it for you.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    The only ones that really fill me up are the Panini sounds odd, a sandwich in a microwave, but they are SO GOOD. i don't eat them often though...
  • When I was trying to drop weight right before i got pregnant with my second kiddo I used to eat one of those at least 4x's a week. It was just really convenient with working and having an infant. The first month I lost 24lbs (I was working out 6x's a week as well) Then I got pregnant with my second little one and it all went out the window... GR!
  • I've lost so far a litte over 100 lbs before I found myfitnespal. I've used the occasional "FROZEN" meal as a substitue for a healthy cooked meal. Some guidlines to follow would be: Calories 200-300, Carbohydrate Less than 40 grams, Protein At least 14 grams, Fat Less than 10 grams and Finally Sodium less than 750 mg.

    I hope this helps!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    As others have said, they're not the best choice, BUT because they are portion controlled and calorie controlled you can definitely lose weight by eating them. It's basically the same concept as Jenny Craig style dieting with the pre-packaged meals. For anyone who has a hard time with portion control and hates cooking, frozen dinners are not a bad starting point. I never eat them anymore, but when I first started out I ate them every day for lunch....I just always picked the ones in the 250-350 calorie range. Initially they're not so bad since there is a lot of selection, but after awhile you will get sick of them....hopefully by that time you'll be ready to try out cooking your own healthier meals and portioning them out the same way for leftovers/lunches...which is what I do now.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    They're not the best but I definitely have them sometimes - particularly nights when I get home late from running and don't want to wait 30 minutes for my food to cook, plus prep time. I really like Healthy Choice and the Lean Cuisine fish entrees. Yes, you can lose weight on them. High in sodium, but that won't keep you from burning fat. Balance it out with some fresh fruit and veggies, and drink your water.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    yeah i used them quite a lot when i was on weightloss, id get the weightwatchers ones that were often under 300 or 350 cals, and team them with loads of vegetables.

    I thought they were a good way to halve the calories of my average evening meal, and can be very good if you find portion control tricky.
    Watch the sodium though. Some are better than others
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I ate them several years ago getting down from the 20 lbs I gained after marriage. I haven't been eating them these last 20 lbs, though.
    It's not even a "clean eating" thing with me, I just would rather eat other foods. Also, the ratios don't work for me. Not enough protein.
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    I would not recommend eating tv dinners for weight lose. Too much sodium and not a healthy choice. Your better off taking the time to prepare your own food from fresh ingredients. If time is a problem try preparing meals ahead of time for several days at a time.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello since I last posted i have started eating he Jenny craig way. It seems to fit my lifestyle now. portion control. I do have a TV dinner a couple times a week other times I have a portion contol plate I got at Walmart Working out great, I got the plan out of Woman's world using Jenny craig plan only you used you own food or TV dinner, Working wonders for me. My first week I lost 4 lbs. Mondays is my WI Day. This is my second week on it. Lookinf foward to next Monday. It works.

    Breakfast......... 1/2 c fiber one......1 continer of non fat yogurt with fruit.... 2 T. of cool whip..... coffee with creamer yummy!:drinker:

    lunch..... 1.2 c canned great nothern beans......1/2 c Sweet potatoes, canned season with splenda, cinnamom,Butterr spray.........1/2 c cole slaw, home made......1/2 c of frozen spinach.......Ice tea:love:

    Dinner........Same as lunch.:flowerforyou: I get 4 snacks a day.Scatter thru out the day and evening..:heart::heart: Love this plan.
  • I wouldn't advise eating them at every meal, but I don't think now and then will hurt anyone! I keep a couple on hand for when I don't feel like eating what the rest of my family wants.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I did Jenny Craig one week and realized I couldn't afford it so I did what you are doing for awhile. Yeah they're high sodium, but it was a great tool for getting started with portion control.

    Good luck!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did Jenny Craig one week and realized I couldn't afford it so I did what you are doing for awhile. Yeah they're high sodium, but it was a great tool for getting started with portion control.

    Good luck!

    Wow you have lost good.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had another good day. on My plan.
  • I haven't ate them yet due to high sodium, but I've been looking at them now because my family cooks processed foods somewhat regularly (HIGH sodium). Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers have the lowest sodium content I've found which is around 500mg.
    I think that will be a better choice for me than the quicky mac & cheese meals or chicken tenders (2 strips being a serving with over 550mg sodium) they use not including the french fries etc they use as sides.
  • jbudge1
    jbudge1 Posts: 62 Member
    We eat them all the time (Smart Ones). They are good, some are pretty filling, and they all have low calorie counts. Plus it is easy to count calories this way. Yes they are high in sodium, but everything is nowadays unless you make it yourself.
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    Hello since I last posted i have started eating he Jenny craig way. It seems to fit my lifestyle now. portion control. I do have a TV dinner a couple times a week other times I have a portion contol plate I got at Walmart Working out great, I got the plan out of Woman's world using Jenny craig plan only you used you own food or TV dinner, Working wonders for me. My first week I lost 4 lbs. Mondays is my WI Day. This is my second week on it. Lookinf foward to next Monday. It works.

    Breakfast......... 1/2 c fiber one......1 continer of non fat yogurt with fruit.... 2 T. of cool whip..... coffee with creamer yummy!:drinker:

    lunch..... 1.2 c canned great nothern beans......1/2 c Sweet potatoes, canned season with splenda, cinnamom,Butterr spray.........1/2 c cole slaw, home made......1/2 c of frozen spinach.......Ice tea:love:

    Dinner........Same as lunch.:flowerforyou: I get 4 snacks a day.Scatter thru out the day and evening..:heart::heart: Love this plan.

    I had the same problem with portion control in the beginning. I started off with the lean cuisine and smart ones to help me. My husband gave me the confidence to cook and eat my own food. Sometimes we have to do what helps us in the beginning. Looks like you're doing what works for you! Congratulations :)
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    I had another good day. on My plan.

    Yay!! :) Tomorrow will be another good day, too!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Had another wonderful day. eating wise time spent with Husband a our little doggie.

    I had a low blood sugar this morning so had a yogurt when I first got up . to get it back up

    Breakfast 1/2 c of egg beater a litle chesse aand some ham
    Lunch was a veggis plat of Carrtots, squash, cole slaw
    Supper was a 320 calorie TV dinner plus some Brussell sprout ice tea

    Now I AM ready to watch the Dallas Cowboys. game tonight.
    What a good day.

    I am loving this life style
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