

  • If you've been Crossfitting that long I'm sure you've heard of the paleo diet. Why not give it a try? For a lot of people it is what really helps them get over that hump. Lose the oatmeal, bread, sandwiches, rice, yogurt, etc. and replace with WHOLE eggs (not just the white), lots of veggies, lots of fat like avocados,…
  • This isn't going to get you the results you need. I'm assuming you're doing this because you don't want to "bulk up" your arms while you're still losing fat. Actually, it is very very hard to gain muscle while you lose fat. So, if you're losing fat through diet and exercise, adding weightlifting isn't going to immediately…
  • While most of us aren't going to be elite athletes, training like one isn't a bad idea. One of the things that Crossfit has taught me is that if you train for ability the aesthetics will come. In other words, when you look at all of the best athletes out there, most of them have amazing bodies. But their job isn't to have…
    in CrossFit Comment by lrreeder April 2012
  • Without knowing what you are eating and how much of it it is hard to tell you what could be the answer. What kind of cardio are you doing? Are you getting your heart rate up? Are you tired at the end of your workouts? Are you strength training with heavy weights? 1500 calories seems reasonable, but again, without knowing…
  • I've been Crossfitting for about 2 years. I've been my leanest doing Crossfit, and I'm now working off a bit of my "post-wedding weight" with my training. I've gotten incredibly strong (can deadlift 265 lbs, power clean my body weight at 135 pounds, etc.) but can also do pullups, hand stand walks, and other awesome…
    in CrossFit Comment by lrreeder April 2012
  • No, but I'd like to know also. I'd been trying to sort of parse them out (like if a WOD had running in it, record a certain amount of running), I've also used "General Circuit Training" when all else fails. One thing I don't like about MFP is that strength workouts don't give you any calorie amount. As if lifting weights…