

  • thanks for your encouragement!!
  • http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t320/tezzy-wezzy/weight.jpg
  • woohooo!! 3lb lost this week :bigsmile: last week 13st 12lb - 11lb lost so far today 13st 9lb - 14lb lost so far how do i post a photo?
  • hi i have a 2 year old boy and an 11 month old girl before i had kids i went from 16st 5lb to 12stt 10lb then after having boh kids i was back up to 14st 9lb now im 13st 9!
  • thanks for your replies! hopefully the weightloss will continue.. im sure i have a pair of 14s in the back of my wardrobe that are dying to be worn again!!!!:bigsmile:
  • hi! my name is Terrie, im 21 and live in north wales with my husband and my 2 children, Rhys (2yrs) and Ffion (11mo) my main priority over the last 2 1/2 years has been my children, im a housewife and when im not working my part time job i am cooking, cleaning or doing laundry. Over this time ive had no chance of getting…