chellefish Member


  • i'm up for this challenge, i'm struggling for motivation just now and have been bouncing around with the same couple of pounds the last 3 months. need something to give me a kick up the backside.
  • welcome from another Scot. Nice to see more Scots on the boards, i get what you are saying about being healthy for turning 30 - thats my aim but the months are slowly slipping away from me, lol. I'm sure you can acheive anything that you set your mind too. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Chelle
  • i'm further north, lol. I'm from Edinbugh, if anyone wants to add me as a friend, i will try and provide support. x
  • i love just dance2, its so much fun. might have to get it out tonight!
  • welcome to the site, i'm relatively new too, had the site for a while but not used it. Started last monday. Add me if you want. Chelle x