Hi from scotland

Names Jim and I'm from scotland, Just joined yesterday to help me track my progress as I try and lose 4 of my 5 bellies :)
Im 28, Single and sick of being teased about my weight.

Although summer is now over here, I would like to be able to walk along a beach somewhere, head held high, shirt off without worrying what people are saying under there breath.

Anyone with any advice or tips for shedding mostly stomach fat please feel free to share :)




  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    Hi From Scotland! do lots and lots of cardio exercise! Stomach fat is usually not a lack of muscle! you can do some weight training; ab workouts but what everntually will trim you down especially in that area is cardio! and a healthy diet too!
  • Melinda91
    Melinda91 Posts: 51 Member
    Try TAE BO! I started dropping weight like crazy when I started TAE BO!
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Melinda I'm hopefully going to get back into my kickboxing in the next few weeks, but thanks for the suggestion of Tae Bo, altho suppose I could do both. hmmm choices choices :)

    Kabula thanks I thought it would have to be mostly cardio to shed the weight, I try to cycle at least once a week for about 20miles, Nothing majorly fast paced yet, also thinking about finding a quiet pool and starting some swimming aswell.
    Healthy diet started yesterday or atleast Im trying lol suppose only time will tell.

    Shame its so bloody easy to put weight on and a pure nightmare to shed.

    Anyways good luck all round folks

    Jim :D
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Welcome, Jim.
    You choose a good time to start. If you keep at it you'll be amazed at the progress you'll make before next summer.
    I'll echo the others- you need cardio to burn the fat off and swimming and cycling are great choices. Add in some strength training to keep and improve the muscles you have so when you shed the fat you'll be fit underneath. The biggest change you can make is to your diet. Eat good foods 90% of the time, and measure your food so you know how many calories you are getting. Make sure you eat the right amount. MFP makes it easier...just always aim to be as close to '0' as you can on the calories left for the day.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi Jim,

    Fellow Scot here; although I've been living amongst the Sassenachs for almost half my life, I grew up on the Clyde coast.

    I've been a blobby for most of my life, although it wasn't till my 30s that I actually started to balloon. I'd love to walk shirtless along a beach without cries of "beached whale ahoy!" Or even to wear a T-shrt without worrying about bellies and moobs :ohwell:

    I've started cycling again too... was a bit worried that I might be too heavy for the bike as the booklet claimed it was suitable up to 90Kg and I'm quite a bit more than that. But having lived in the Netherlands where cycling is second nature, I'm really enjoying being out and about on two wheels again.

    I'm a newbie on MFP too, so add me as a friend if you like.

    All the best and good luck!

  • Triathlynne
    Hello Jim. Another Scot here, a transplanted one however. Now live Stateside. Like everyone has said, a mixture of cardio and strength :) Good luck to you mate!
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks folks for all the replys, nice to see a friendly community of like minded people. Anyone that wants to add me as a friend feel free, im easy going, up for a giggle, good at lending an ear or advice when its needed or requested.

    Great to see alot of fellow scots on board aswell :)

    Kyle I hear you mate, I bought my bike and thought exactly the same thing, I used to weight 124kg but managed to drop down to 114kg over the past few months but wasnt really trying, past few weeks I've put a bit back on and currently sit at 117kg, but hopefully the bike, diet and using this site will change that.

    Ive been a big lad most my life, and always was teased about it, but have finally decided im approaching the 30's marker and I want a new lease of life so have given myself the push to get the weight shifted.

    My problem is I don't eat during the day, and then end up have a big dinner at night, which isn't till like 8pm, meaning my body is in stavation mode and storing everything that I eat as fat because it doesn't tknow when my next meal is coming. I think the hardest thing for me is going to be eating at the right times as well as making sure its healthy. The 5 a day rule has never been part of my daily routine but is something im going to work on.

    That said another problem is I know why and what is causing me to be big, its just breaking old habbits and sticking with the new ones thats the real challenge. Cake, Sweeties, Fizzy juice etc shouldnt be hard to stop or put into moderation.

    Fingers crossed tho :)

    **P.S I'm also dyslexic so please excuse the crap spelling etc :P
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I don't have much good advice. Just here to say welcome to MFP and good luck!!! :smile:
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    thanks groovy :)
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    Another fellow Scot here :flowerforyou: welcome.
    @Triathlynne I want that top!!! :love:

    feel free to add as friend (send with message though so I remember ya :wink: )
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Welcome and best of luck on your lifestyle change (adjustment).
    My father-in-law just visited Scotland in May and loved it. It's been a dream of his for many years.

    I am in "New Scotland" ... Nova Scotia :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Kyle I hear you mate, I bought my bike and thought exactly the same thing, I used to weight 124kg but managed to drop down to 114kg over the past few months but wasnt really trying, past few weeks I've put a bit back on and currently sit at 117kg, but hopefully the bike, diet and using this site will change that.

    Ive been a big lad most my life, and always was teased about it, but have finally decided im approaching the 30's marker and I want a new lease of life so have given myself the push to get the weight shifted.

    My problem is I don't eat during the day, and then end up have a big dinner at night, which isn't till like 8pm, meaning my body is in stavation mode and storing everything that I eat as fat because it doesn't tknow when my next meal is coming. I think the hardest thing for me is going to be eating at the right times as well as making sure its healthy. The 5 a day rule has never been part of my daily routine but is something im going to work on.

    That said another problem is I know why and what is causing me to be big, its just breaking old habbits and sticking with the new ones thats the real challenge. Cake, Sweeties, Fizzy juice etc shouldnt be hard to stop or put into moderation.

    Fingers crossed tho :)

    Jim, that's a great result, but skipping meals is not good. My other-half does that all the time, especially at the weekend and then goes to the pub for a few Kronies on an empty stomach :drinker: :laugh: Luckily he's 6' 2" so even tho' side on he looks 8mth pregnant, he has no moobs and from behind, he looks normal weight.

    Growing up my dad owned a newsagents and I spent every day working my way through the sweets and crisps and drinking loads of coke. I was always a chunky monkey, but everyone kept saying it was puppy fat. yet while I was always a bit overweight and a confirmed chocaholic, I only started ballooning once I hit my 30s. I wish there had been resources like MFP back :ohwell:

    **P.S I'm also dyslexic so please excuse the crap spelling etc :P

    Well you'll get no complaints from me... I can't type for toffee :embarassed:
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    not a scot but i'm from the uk (near Bristol) . .I've been using this site for 30 days and its brilliant . .I have a few stomaches to lose also . .the major one is a huge empty baby pouch . . .3 kids . .youngest is 9 so . . huge empty 'old' baby pouch lol . .best of luck . . feel free to add me if ya like :)
  • Robscofle

    Another Scot, living in Canterbury, England. Originally from Glasgow. Moved south for job, met my future wife. Now have 14-month old son, Alistair. Since getting married (5 years ago) and starting a family I've put on 2-3 stones in weight (fat). Have felt like ****, especially with the sleepless nights since Alistair was born. Joined MFP last month. By following the calorie prescription and maintaining the food and exercise diary, I've lost 14lbs so far. You can lose the weight too...

    My rules:
    1. Have a "dream" goal. (Mine is to lose 3 stones (42 lbs) in 42 weeks)
    2. Set a weekly realistic goal of 1-2lbs loss per week (A more ambitious goal, may see you starving yourself and you end up binge eating. "Slow and steady wins the race."
    3. Use the MFP to calculate your BMR and stick to the calorie prescrpition.
    4. Use the online food and exercise diary to record what you eat and how active you are. If you don't use the diary, and complain that you're not losing weight, you may be eating more calories than you think. Keeping the diary also helps you plan meals and highllight problem areas, e.g. eating out, comfort eating, that interferes with your weight loss effort.
    5. Use the community on MFP for support and to find solutions that other MFPs have appiled to overcome their weight loss hurdles.

    Friend me.
    Good luck...
  • shazzamax11
    Hi and welcome from Scotland,

    The best exercise for me to lose weight is swimming and spinning (not around but cycling), they are both good calorie burners. If you eat heathily and exercise the weight will drop off you.

    Feel free to add me, this is a great site and the app is fabulous.

  • laureneva15
  • Triathlynne
    Another fellow Scot here :flowerforyou: welcome.
    @Triathlynne I want that top!!! :love:

    feel free to add as friend (send with message though so I remember ya :wink: )

    Nae!!! I actually saved and saved for that cycling jersey then I found it on Ebay for a steal! The guy only wore it once! :) I Love it.

    I miss ma Irn Bru. They stopped selling the diet bru here. Mesosad.
  • chellefish
    chellefish Posts: 7 Member
    welcome from another Scot.

    Nice to see more Scots on the boards, i get what you are saying about being healthy for turning 30 - thats my aim but the months are slowly slipping away from me, lol.

    I'm sure you can acheive anything that you set your mind too.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :happy:
  • Molly_Louise
    Hello and welcome!

    It's great to have more people from the UK here on MFP.

    Best of luck with your weight loss, I too can relate to the teasing regarding my weigh and the constant worrying about what people are saying and thinking. Here's to hoping that one day I'll be happy!