

  • :smile: My advice to you is that you should watch what you eat. Eat every 2 hrs but little meaning small meals and every night go on here and add it in,also you can chat with friends too ohh also do yr best to walk for 20 mins or get a dvd workour. I do the 1 mile walk and it works when i do it. I am making the dvd part of…
  • how do u use the cauliflower for the crust as i would like to try it it sounds yummy
  • How do i add you as i am new at all of this ???
  • I will for sure try this as we really love pizza and its is making me hungry....... then i will let u know how it turned out.
  • I make my own pizza with english muffins and iu can add what u want and all i eat is 1 whole and the kids really like it is not that expensive to make as u buy what u like for veggies and i also use the pitas bread wraps whole wheat one for me. Let me know how u like this and if it works for you and your budget too
  • :smile: How do i add u as a friend too and i will ttyl soon as the boys go out with daddy
  • Dear Newbie, Hi my name is poohbear and i need help as well to keep me motvated, As i have 3 kids 5 yr old and 1 set of twin boys they r all boys and i even try really hard to get out with them when the weather is nice but it changes so fast. Well as i would do when i am on a trip i kepp my mind and hands busy like talking…