Emerald_Jen Member


  • I'm not a runner and I doubt I ever will be. I run for a mile, walk a bit, and run for another mile, and walk a bit.. And I'll do that for an entire half-marathon or the running portion of an Olympic-distance triathlon. But I'm not a runner. Even if I go out and use my legs to cover a ten mile or fifteen mile distance.…
  • Make sure you are eating enough food. You need to eat more food to properly fuel your body for the training, but still not eat so much that you're not gaining. Keep your exercise consistent. I gained weight for the first 4-6 weeks of consistent exercise for my Olympic triathlon (about ten hours per week of running, biking,…
  • I log them. I'm trying to maintain a minimum number of nutrients for my pregnancy, and this helps me make sure I'm hitting at least the minimum. Whether or not they are effective is a whole other manner, but I'm taking them and I'm logging them. I'm also eating as healthily as I can on top of it. :)
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! That's wonderful. Congratulations on your pregnancy, too. :) I'm so excited! I'm also trying to gain only 11-20 pounds this pregnancy and I'd love to help support you and vice versa. Feel free to "friend" me. This is my third pregnancy (my first two were successful and ended in…
    in Newb :) Comment by Emerald_Jen June 2012
  • Feel free to "friend" me! Congratulations!
  • Hello Chezhk! Welcome to the wonderful world of triathlons. Feel free to "friend" me. :) I do Olympic-distance triathlons (although right now I'm pregnant and on a break). I trained for my first one - not knowing how to swim, unable to run more than a block straight, and only able to bike five miles - in 2010. I finished…
  • Congratulations! Certainly feel free to friend me and talk over anything with me. :) I'm 28, 23 weeks pregnant with my third child, and I'm trying to stay within 11-20 pounds weight gain on this pregnancy.
  • And I'm this first time mother's older sister. I'm pregnant with my third, 22w in. I'm overweight and striving for 11-20 pounds gain. I'm currently at 10 pounds. :) I'm working hard with Christa to help her find foods that taste good to that pregnant brain, are filling, and still nutritious for her and baby!
  • I'm short on motivation (it's just not a strength), but here are some practical tidbits that are easier said then done: You want to eat healthier and be thinner (according to your profile) - and this can be done regardless of if you are recovering from surgery! Diet is more important than exercise. You don't have to let…