TiahElaine Member


  • I am a week or so in my transition and I've been extremely tired.. like all the time, but it's expected because your body is adapting.. I'm not sure about your symptoms.. I'm not a medical professional so I really wouldn't want to give you bad advice.. What if you try eliminating in groups? Like eliminate dairy or meat and…
  • it just doesn't add up to me.. i'm just really confused.. not just with those settings, but also my caloric intake.. it's set at just over 1,200 because I don't move about much during the day and yesterday I only had 15 calories left and it said I'm not eating enough, but 15 calories difference isn't exactly a lot and the…
  • Right now my carbs are set at 50% protein 20% and fat 30% and it just feels like something is wrong..
  • So, I know a lot of people have already responded and I didn't go through and read if anybody gave you the suggestion I'm about to, buuuuuut..... I live by Earth Balance Butter lol.. it's awesome.. my husband, who is only just now trying to cut out dairy products.. lives by it as well! and as for those nasty people.. it's…
  • I'm looking for Vegan Friends too!! I've been Dairy Free due to a major allergy for almost a year and am now wanting to get more into Veganism. I don't know anybody who is even dairy free.. let alone.. Vegetarian OR Vegan.