jennusf Member


  • What are his favorite foods? My son is extremely picky as well, so I feel your pain.
  • Bump for later
  • I have the FT7 and I believe the documentation says that it is waterproof as long as you don't disconnect the transmitter from the strap. That said, I don't have an extra $70 lying around to replace it (I don't know if you do) and I don't think I'd chance it.
  • Check out and on the workout search, tweak it for just lower body workouts. If I feel like my legs haven't been punished too much in my workout that day, I do the 5 minute booty blast. It's a combination of leg lifts and squat variations that will make your legs scream--but you will feel like a million…
  • Check out Fitness Blender. I'm not going to claim to be a fitness expert, so I can't say if they're the "best" out there, but they have a TON of videos. They're free and I have tried (and done) a ton of things that I never imagined I'd be able to do. I did the 30 Day Shred (thank you Jillian Michaels for getting me off the…
  • My absolute favorite jeans are Levis 512 Perfectly Slimming bootcut. I got them at Macys a couple of years ago. They have a higher rise (nice for this muffin top I've acquired). They have a nice amount of stretch, so they're super comfy. They don't carry them at all Macy's and its possible they didn't have them at the…