LoveCincy Member


  • Great info, thanks Kira! I've been taking some magnesium and drinking LOTS of water, but maybe I need to make sure I'm getting enough sodium and potassium. :D
  • Sorry to hear, I sure hope you feel better soon. :)
  • I think protein shakes are fine as long as you stick to your fat/protein/carb intakes and watch your sugar. This thread on powders was helpful to me. Good luck!
  • Hang in there you've done great! For some stupid reason I had a 1/2 a cup of rice yesterday and boy did I feel crappy when I woke up. I feel very bloated and put on a pound. So it definitely wasn't worth it! Funny thing is that I wasn't even really craving it, I was just curious how it would affect me. Lesson learned and…
  • I've found them before at my Kroger, not sure where you are.
  • I have vacation coming up in a little over a week and I'm a bit worried about what will happen. Not sure that I will have the will power or ability to stay true to the Keto diet but I plan on at least trying. I'm OK with falling off the wagon for a bit but my fear is that I won't get back on after vacation. This has…
  • Thank you! Yes, I'm using a scale - so this makes sense and is VERY good to know...It makes me worry less. I have been drinking a TON of water. Before the Keto diet I was drinking 6-8 cups a day and now I am drinking 12 or more so that could definitely be making the difference. Oddly enough even though I read lots of posts…
  • One more reply. The following post by Kiramaniac in another thread was a lifesaver to me when I was first learning and researching what things to do and not do. Kiramaniac is SO helpful and knowledgeable!!! (Thanks Kira) QUOTE from Kiramaniac: Here are some good information sources. read the first two, and then see what…
  • Bumping this. I'm down 7 pounds now but I'm up 1.5% in body fat. Anyone have any experience with this or advice? I'm trying to be patient since the weight is finally coming off but I don't want my body fat going up too much either. Hopefully this trend will stop soon. Thanks to anyone for any help. :D
  • That's wonderful to hear!!! :D I've had a slight headache this week myself, it's been totally manageable but it's almost made me happy because I hope it means my body is releasing some ketones. I really need to get some of those keto stix! Have a good day!
  • Agree with post about carbs being under 25ish and getting your fat up there at least to 65-70%, I've also read sugar is a no go. I've just started this week but read up a lot before trying this. This keto calculator has helped me a ton and can help guide your calories. it was posted by…
  • Ditto, great read. Thanks for sharing. I've personally not had any trouble keeping my fat up around 65-70% and so far it's working. This info is great for things to watch out for. :)
  • Eeek, I'm not sure...I'm just following the vague LCHF diet not a specific diet like Atkins so I can't give you proper advice there.
  • All very good info thanks for sharing! I'm on day 4, down 4 pounds and so far feeling great!!!
  • I made some Fat Bombs today as recommended by someone else in another post and they taste awesome, are good fats and low carb PLUS they are sweet. I used what I had on hand, 1 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup natural peanut butter, 1 stick unsalted butter, 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa, a dash of zero calorie sweetener and a Tbsp of…